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to thank / thanks / thank you
(express) thanks / gratitude / grateful / thankful / thanks
metabolism (biology) / the new replaces the old (idiom)
HSK 7-9
expression of gratitude / to give thanks / a thank-you note / acknowledgement
replacement / substitution / metabolism (biol.)
Xiejiaji, a district of Huainan City 淮南市, Anhui
to apologize for an offense / to offer one's apology for a fault
to express one's thanks
to wither / to wilt / wizened
many thanks / thanks a lot
to take a curtain call / (fig.) to come to an end
Sergei (name)
gratitude / thanks
to refuse politely
to thank sb for favor (esp. emperor or superior official)
honorarium / gift as thanks
to express gratitude (esp. in public) / vote of thanks
to thank with a gift
(idiom) thank goodness
Sharif (name) / Nawaz Sharif (1949-), Pakistani politician
to express thanks
to die / to pass away
to go bald
Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mthong smon rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
to decline to meet a visitor / to express one's gratitude to one's guests
to decline gratefully
to express thanks
please excuse me for not complying / to politely decline
to excuse oneself because of illness
speech of thanks
to thank sb personally / to thank sb to his face
letter of thanks
to decline / to refuse politely
Steinkjær (city in Trøndelag, Norway)
Zerah (son of Judah in the Old Testament)
to express gratitude / to thank
Xie He (479-502), portrait painter from Qi of Southern dynasties 南齊|南齐
shit! (loanword)
special thanks / particular thanks
You're welcome / Don't mention it
to thank the matchmaker
Tse Ting-Fung or Nicholas Tse (1980-), Cantopop star
honorarium / gift as thanks
Chea Sim, president of Cambodian National Assembly
to bow in thanks
to express gratitude (esp. in public) / vote of thanks / also written 鳴謝|鸣谢
to thank sb for favor or hospitality
Xie Lingyun (385-433) poet during Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋
variant of 凋謝|凋谢
to visit friends to thank them after a funeral
energy metabolism
banquet hosted by students in honor of their teachers
closed to visitors / no admittance
don't mention it; not at all
anabolism (biology) / constructive metabolism (using energy to make proteins etc) / assimilation
to give thanks
Frank Chang-ting Hsieh (1946-), Taiwanese DPP politician, mayor of Kaohsiung 1998-2005
catabolism (biology) / metabolic breaking down and waste disposal / dissimilation
(Tw) excuse me; to be sorry; apologetic; embarrassed; shy (from Taiwanese 歹勢, Tai-lo pr. [pháinn-sè]) (also sometimes written as 歹勢 in Mandarin)
decline (a gift) with thanks
extremely grateful; very thankful
(maxim) a mere "thank you" is an insufficient response to a huge favor / (expression of gratitude) words cannot express my appreciation for what you have done
(we) will be very grateful (if ...)
Plesetsk, settlement in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
(old) to ask for recompense (for personal services rendered)
Moiseyev (name) / Igor Aleksandrovich Moiseyev (1906-2007), choreographer of folk dance and founder of Moiseyev dance company
  *谢* | 谢* | *谢
surname Xie
  *谢* | 谢* | *谢
to thank / (bound form) to apologize / (bound form) to decline; to refuse / (bound form) (of flowers, leaves etc) to wither
Xiejiaji, a district of Huainan City 淮南市, Anhui
carnival (esp. Christian)
Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mthong smon rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
(medicine) tyrosinosis

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