| | to thank / thanks / thank you | HSK 1 |
| | (express) thanks / gratitude / grateful / thankful / thanks | HSK 2 |
| | metabolism (biology) / the new replaces the old (idiom) | HSK 7-9 |
| | expression of gratitude / to give thanks / a thank-you note / acknowledgement | |
| | replacement / substitution / metabolism (biol.) | |
| | Xiejiaji, a district of Huainan City 淮南市, Anhui | |
| | to apologize for an offense / to offer one's apology for a fault | |
| | to express one's thanks | |
| | to wither / to wilt / wizened | |
| | many thanks / thanks a lot | |
| | to take a curtain call / (fig.) to come to an end | |
| | Sergei (name) | |
| | gratitude / thanks | |
| | to refuse politely | |
| | to thank sb for favor (esp. emperor or superior official) | |
| | honorarium / gift as thanks | |
| | to express gratitude (esp. in public) / vote of thanks | |
| | to thank with a gift | |
| | (idiom) thank goodness | |
| | Sharif (name) / Nawaz Sharif (1949-), Pakistani politician | |
| | to express thanks | |
| | to die / to pass away | |
| | to go bald | |
| | gratitude | |
| | Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mthong smon rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet | |
| | to decline to meet a visitor / to express one's gratitude to one's guests | |
| | to decline gratefully | |
| | to express thanks | |
| | please excuse me for not complying / to politely decline | |
| | to excuse oneself because of illness | |
| | speech of thanks | |
| | to thank sb personally / to thank sb to his face | |
| | letter of thanks | |
| | to decline / to refuse politely | |
| | Steinkjær (city in Trøndelag, Norway) | |
| | Zerah (son of Judah in the Old Testament) | |
| | to express gratitude / to thank | |
| | Xie He (479-502), portrait painter from Qi of Southern dynasties 南齊|南齐 | |
| | shit! (loanword) | |
| | special thanks / particular thanks | |
| | You're welcome / Don't mention it | |
| | to thank the matchmaker | |
| | Tse Ting-Fung or Nicholas Tse (1980-), Cantopop star | |
| | honorarium / gift as thanks | |
| | Chea Sim, president of Cambodian National Assembly | |
| | to bow in thanks | |
| | to express gratitude (esp. in public) / vote of thanks / also written 鳴謝|鸣谢 | |
| | to thank sb for favor or hospitality | |
| | Xie Lingyun (385-433) poet during Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋 | |
| | | |
| | to visit friends to thank them after a funeral | |
| | energy metabolism | |
| | banquet hosted by students in honor of their teachers | |
| | closed to visitors / no admittance | |
| | don't mention it; not at all | |
| | anabolism (biology) / constructive metabolism (using energy to make proteins etc) / assimilation | |
| | to give thanks | |
| | Frank Chang-ting Hsieh (1946-), Taiwanese DPP politician, mayor of Kaohsiung 1998-2005 | |
| | catabolism (biology) / metabolic breaking down and waste disposal / dissimilation | |
| | pharmacokinetics | |
| | (Tw) excuse me; to be sorry; apologetic; embarrassed; shy (from Taiwanese 歹勢, Tai-lo pr. [pháinn-sè]) (also sometimes written as 歹勢 in Mandarin) | |
| | decline (a gift) with thanks | |
| | extremely grateful; very thankful | |
| | (maxim) a mere "thank you" is an insufficient response to a huge favor / (expression of gratitude) words cannot express my appreciation for what you have done | |
| | (we) will be very grateful (if ...) | |
| | Plesetsk, settlement in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia | |
| | Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia | |
| | (old) to ask for recompense (for personal services rendered) | |
| | Moiseyev (name) / Igor Aleksandrovich Moiseyev (1906-2007), choreographer of folk dance and founder of Moiseyev dance company | |
| | surname Xie | |
| | to thank / (bound form) to apologize / (bound form) to decline; to refuse / (bound form) (of flowers, leaves etc) to wither | |
| | Xiejiaji, a district of Huainan City 淮南市, Anhui | |
| | Sherpa | |
| | carnival (esp. Christian) | |
| | Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mthong smon rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet | |
| | (medicine) tyrosinosis | |