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42 results on this page.

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  *课* | 课* | *课
subject / course / CL: 門|门 / class / lesson / CL: , 節|节 / to levy / tax / form of divination
to finish class / to get out of class / (fig.) (esp. of a sports coach) to be dismissed / to be fired
to go to class / to attend class / to go to teach a class
homework / assignment / task / classwork / lesson / study / CL: 門|门
to make up missed lesson / to reschedule a class
teach / lecture
(of a teacher) to do one's lesson preparation
HSK 7-9
to play truant / to cut classes
HSK 7-9
to attend a class / to go to a lecture
to select courses
to teach / to give lessons
to stop classes / to close (of school)
to teach class / to lecture
to skip class
to teach as substitute for absent teacher
school begins / give a course / teach a subject
to give classes / to work as a teacher
to skip school / to cut class
to resume classes
student strike / to boycott classes
matins / morning service (in the Catholic Church) / morning chorus (of birds)
to teach classes in addition to other duties / to hold several teaching jobs
MOOC (massive open online course) (loanword)
to give answering phrase (school exercise in memory or composition)
online classes
to encourage and supervise (esp. state officials promoting agriculture)
to skip class
subsidiary course
(coll.) to sit in on a class
military drill
to practice divination
to take a course
required course; compulsory course
tutorial / period of tuition for one or two students
to divine by tossing coins
individual lesson / one-on-one class
basic course / core curriculum
conversation class
test every ten day / periodic deadline
intensive reading course
optional course (in school)

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