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to visit; to call on / to interview / CL:
to interview / to gather news / to hunt for and collect / to cover
to pay a visit; to call on
to go and visit in an official capacity or for investigation
to visit and discuss / to interview
HSK 7-9
to pay a visit
HSK 7-9
exchange visits
HSK 7-9
to make a complaint or a suggestion to the authorities by letter or by paying a visit
to visit / to pay a visit
(pay a) return visit
visitor; caller
  *访* | 访* | *访
(bound form) to seek by inquiry / (bound form) to visit; to call on
to seek by inquiry or search / to call on / to visit
to accompany / (of a doctor etc) to do a follow-up (on a patient, client etc)
to inquire after / to look for (sb)
to seek an audience with higher-ups (esp. government officials) to petition for sth
to interview (a particular person or on a particular topic) / special interview / special report based on such an interview
to visit / to travel to
to make secret inquiries / to investigate in secret
to pay a visit
to mingle with the people incognito
to visit Hong Kong
to search for ancient relics
open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to investigate openly and in secret / taking information from all sides
to investigate
to visit the poor and ask about their suffering (idiom)
to make an investigative visit / to go and find out from the source
to visit (a place)
to investigate
to seek / to search for
to call on friends and relations (idiom)
to visit in passing
(formal, international relations) to visit China
(Tw) to make a telephone call (generally as a representative of a company, school or agency etc, to an individual, often for the purpose of conducting a survey) (abbr. for 電話訪問|电话访问)
to visit Taiwan
to visit North Korea
your visit (honorific) / you honor me with your visit
to enquire / to search
to search and enquire
to visit the USA
street interview (abbr. for 街頭採訪|街头采访)
field reporter / investigative journalist
participant in a survey; interviewee; respondent
to pay one's respects / to visit (ancestral grave)
(derog.) (of a prominent figure) to visit (another country) (used when one disapproves of the visit for political reasons)
visitor / (psychological counseling) client
access method
to give an interview / to be interviewed / to respond to (questions, a survey etc)
Media Access Control / MAC
Medium Access Control / MAC
respondent (in a survey, questionnaire, study etc)
to return a visit
if it's weaving, ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
to visit one's friends and relatives
MAC layer
state visit
to make an official visit (often abroad)
to pay a secret visit / to pay an undercover visit
onsite visit
investigative reporter
open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to investigate openly and in secret / taking information from all sides
open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to investigate openly and in secret / taking information from all sides
on-the-spot interview
if it's plowing ask the laborer, if it's weaving ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
(web counter) hits
to seek a teacher desiring to study
program of visiting Muslim households in Xinjiang to monitor them, begun in 2014 (abbr. for 訪民情惠民生聚民心|访民情惠民生聚民心)
to visit friends and relations (idiom)
to revisit

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