Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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33 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
communications / news story / dispatch / CL: 個|个
HSK 7-9
telecommunications / telecom
HSK 7-9
Tencent, Chinese tech conglomerate, founded in 1998
  *讯* | 讯* | *讯
(bound form) to ask; to inquire / (bound form) to interrogate; to question / (bound form) news; information
newsletter / the news in brief / (Tw) SMS message
news / current events
video (Tw)
to summon (a witness) / to subpoena
inquest / trial / interrogation / to try / to interrogate
good news / glad tidings
letters / mail / news / messages / correspondence
interrogation under torture / inquisition
to receive news (of)
news of sb's death
SMS / text message
warning sign / police call
interrogation / greeting
to bring sb to trial
to interrogate during investigation
(Tw) (electronics) noise; interference
hearing (law)
(Tw) private message / to send a private message
instant messaging
(wireless) reception
Zoomflight Telecom (Chinese company)
evil tidings / bad news
abbr. for 博訊新聞網|博讯新闻网, Boxun, US-based dissident Chinese news network
to improve communications
(Tw) (computing) near-field communication (NFC)
(computing) near-field communication (NFC)

Tip: The character dictionary has hand writing instructions for many Chinese characters, a brush icon is shown in front of the character when these instructions are available, try clicking it.
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