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an empty stomach
  *腹* | 腹* | *腹
abdomen / stomach / belly
to eat one's fill
to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (idiom); sb has one's absolute confidence / to trust completely / to confide in sb with entire sincerity
to cut open the abdomen / to disembowel / to speak from the heart
trusted aide; confidant
to draw in one's belly; to tighten the abdominal muscles
filled with / preoccupied with
harakiri (formal Japanese: seppuku), a samurai's suicide by disemboweling
(fig.) food
to split one's sides laughing; to roar with laughter; (lit.) to hold one's belly with both hands
corset / girdle
underbelly / lower abdomen
lit. food not filling the stomach (idiom) / fig. poverty-stricken
main vowel in diphthong
lacking in knowledge; ignorant
crunch (physical exercise)
to gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean measure (idiom)
lit. to be buried in the bellies of fish (idiom) / fig. to drown
full of wisdom (idiom); astute and widely experienced
belly (old)
to estimate how much food is required for a meal

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