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  *腰* | 腰* | *腰
the waist and lower back / (bound form) kidney of an animal (as food) / the waist of trousers or a skirt / (metonym) money pouch; pocket / (bound form) the middle section of an upright object (mountain, bottle etc)
a stretch (of one's body)
to sway one's hips / to twist one's waist
to bend at the waist; to bow / (fig.) to bow to; to submit
waist of trousers / waistband
slender waist / fig. pretty woman / mortise and tenon joint on a coffin
to stoop
(hitting) squarely in the middle / (slicing) across the middle / to hold by the waist
to put one's hands on one's hips
to nod one's head and bow (idiom); bowing and scraping / unctuous fawning
to bend
slender waistline
to support / to brace
lower back / (sports) defensive midfielder
back of a tiger and waist of a bear / tough and stocky build
the place halfway up a mountain
to bend over; to stoop down / Taiwan pr. [mao1yao1]
slender and supple waist / lithe body / feminine pose
middle / halfway
harness pad (on draft animal)
(Tw) (publishing) belly band (paper sash around a book, outside the dust jacket)
(gymnastics) to do a bridge / to do a crab
(lit.) to cry from hunger (from Taiwanese 哭枵, Tai-lo pr. [khàu-iau]) / (Tw) (slang) to whine; shut the hell up!; fuck!; damn!
middle / halfway
to back sb up / to support (from the rear)
variant of 叉腰
(dialect) to bend over
(coll.) tiny waist
to stretch oneself (on waking or when tired etc)
to bow / to bend at the waist
to straighten one's back / to arch one's back
(allusion to Tao Qian 陶潛|陶潜, who used this phrase when he resigned from government service rather than show subservience to a visiting inspector) to bow and scrape for five pecks of rice (that being a part of his salary as a local magistrate) / (fig.) to compromise one's principles for the sake of a salary

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