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sweet-sounding / beautiful (of sound)
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
to whisper to one another's ear
HSK 7-9
lit. like thunder piercing the ear / a well-known reputation (idiom)
  *耳* | 耳* | *耳
ear / handle (archaeology) / and that is all (Classical Chinese)
joule (loanword)
wood ear; jelly ear (edible fungus) / CL:
inner ear
outer ear
middle ear
to bend an ear (to) / to listen
(of sound) to never stop / to fall incessantly on the ear / to linger on
Siberian cocklebur (botany)
white fungus (Tremella fuciformis) / silver tree-ear fungus
to approach sb's ear (to whisper)
sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction) / fig. a well-informed person
with one's own ears
pleasing to the ear
the walls have ears (idiom)
loyal advice jars on the ears (idiom)
to prick up one's ear / to listen attentively
fat; plump; chubby
unpleasant to hear / grates on the ear (of home truths)
words still ringing in one's ears (idiom)
bowed head and ears glued (idiom); docile and obedient / at sb's beck and call
lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear (idiom); not in the least concerned
raucous / ear-splitting
to remove earwax with an ear pick
to intentionally reinterpret a spoken expression as if one had misheard it, for the sake of humor (often, it is a phrase in a foreign language twisted into a similar-sounding phrase in one's native language with a completely different meaning) (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 空耳 "soramimi")
to refuse to listen
Lao Zi
Nie Er (1912-1935), musician and composer of the PRC national anthem March of the Volunteer Army 義勇軍進行曲|义勇军进行曲
trunnion / protrusions on either side of a cannon facilitating mounting and vertical pivot
to block one's ears (not wishing to hear)
white fungus (Tremella fuciformis) / snow fungus
snow fungus (Tremella fuciformis) / white fungus
jug ears
(chemistry) mole (loanword) (Tw)
Boyle (name) / Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer chemist
Auricularia auricula-judae, an edible fungus
bushel (eight gallons)
cochlear implant
flange / lug
to be the acknowledged leader (from the custom of a prince holding a plate on which lay the severed ears of a sacrificial bull at an alliance ceremony)
to remove earwax with an ear pick
(loanword) gill (unit)
to watch and listen attentively
Robert Boyle (1627-1691), English chemist
walls have ears

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