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66 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
to sum up / to conclude / summary / résumé / CL: 個|个
to unite / unity; solidarity / united
  *结* | 结* | *结
knot / sturdy / bond / to tie / to bind / to check out (of a hotel)
to freeze (water etc) / (fig.) to freeze (assets, prices etc)
HSK 7-9
  *结* | 结* | *结
(of a plant) to produce (fruit or seeds) / Taiwan pr. [jie2]
HSK 7-9
to assemble / to concentrate / to mass / to build up / to marshal
HSK 7-9
end; conclusion / to come to an end; to terminate (sth)
HSK 7-9
to collude with / to collaborate with / to gang up with
HSK 7-9
hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine) / crux of an issue / main point in an argument / sticking point / deadlock in negotiations
HSK 7-9
complex (psychology)
HSK 7-9
to settle / to finish / to conclude / to wind up
HSK 7-9
to sum up; to conclude; to put in a nutshell / conclusion; end (of a story etc)
HSK 7-9
to finish / to conclude / completed
Dinggyê county, Tibetan: Gding skyes rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
to sinter / to agglomerate ore by burning
to bind / to tie / to link
Adam's apple / laryngeal prominence
summary / short / brief / wrap-up
to tie a knot / to tie
to conclude (an agreement)
to glue / to cement / a bond
to suffer from pent-up frustrations / mental knot / emotional issue
to fawn on / to curry favor with / to make up to
(law) to try (a criminal case) and reach a conclusion
soil crusting
to condense / to solidify / to coagulate / clot (of blood)
bow tie / loop of a necktie / lavaliere
to cohere / to bind
a matter that gnaws at one's mind; preoccupation; sore point; rancor
tight knot / intractable problem
a slip-knot / a noose
to weave / to plait
to bind over (as surety) / to sign an undertaking
variant of 聯結|联结
to associate with / to mix with / to connect
latent (desire, feeling etc) / bottled up
hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idiom); weighed down with anxiety
ravaged by successive wars / war-torn / war-ridden
to tangle up / to twist together / to wind
a noose
to coil around / knot / to entangle
Oedipus complex
bow / bowknot
national unity
pith knot (in timber)
lymph node; lymph gland
It is better to squash enmity rather than keeping it alive (proverb)
Oedipus complex
bow tie
Wujie or Wuchieh Township in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜兰县, Taiwan
to get pregnant out of wedlock
blood clotting
(Tw) hyperlink
to manage with difficulty / only just getting by / in a difficult position
Electra complex
dwelling on the past / difficulty in adapting to changes
to flatter someone in a hundred different ways / assiduous fawning (idiom)
to intertwine; to band together (with); to link up (with) / twisted; tangled / confused; to be at a loss / to struggle (mentally) with (sth); to overthink
decorative bow of ribbon or fabric
bow tie
(Tw) hyperlink

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