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14 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *总* | 总* | *总
general; overall / to sum up / in every case; always; invariably / anyway; after all; eventually; sooner or later / surely / (after a person's name) abbr. for 總經理|总经理 or 總編|总编 etc
to gather (data etc)
boss / sir (person with a leading role in an organization) / (after a surname) high ranking commander in the PLA / (Qing dynasty) high ranking government official / (old) courteous term used by the general populace in addressing a rank-and-file soldier or police officer
variant of 彙總|汇总
altogether / in all
in great abundance / numerous
(Tw) Veterans General Hospital (used in the names of hospitals in Taipei, Taichung etc) (abbr. for 榮民總醫院|荣民总医院)
altogether; in sum; in all; in total
handsome high-powered businessman (abbr. for 霸道總裁|霸道总裁)
to cut a long story short
low-level officer of the army from the Ming to the mid Qing Dynasty
Liu Houzong (1904-1949), originally Hunan guerilla leader, rewarded by Chiang Kaishek for killing Xiang Ying 項英|项英 during the 1941 New Fourth Army incident 皖南事變|皖南事变
to aggregate; to calculate the total / aggregate; total

Tip: The character dictionary has hand writing instructions for many Chinese characters, a brush icon is shown in front of the character when these instructions are available, try clicking it.
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