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100 results on this page.

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it doesn't matter
relation / relationship / to concern / to affect / to have to do with / guanxi / CL: 個|个
variant of 關係|关系
connection / contact / relation / to get in touch with / to integrate / to link / to touch
  *系* | 系* | *系
to connect / to relate to / to tie up / to bind / to be (literary)
  *系* | 系* | *系
system / department / faculty
  *系* | 系* | *系
to connect / to arrest / to worry
variant of 聯繫|联系
  *系* | 系* | *系
to tie / to fasten / to button up
system / setup / CL: 個|个
HSK 7-9
(regional) cuisine
root system
to maintain / to keep up / to hold together
sect / faction
maternal / matriarchal
strain (of a species)
lineage / genealogy / family tree
directly related
language family
direct line of descent / under one's personal command / school or faction passing on faithfully one's doctrine
drainage system
variant of 譜系|谱系
branch or subdivision of a family
collateral relative (descended from a common ancestor but through different lines)
paternal line / patrilineal
(attributive) of Japanese origin
to link / to connect
evolutionary line / line of descent
coordinate system (geometry)
Milky Way Galaxy / the galaxy (our galaxy)
international relations
sexual relations / sexual contact / intercourse
newspaper chain / syndicate
(neologism c. 2017) (coll.) chill about everything (typically used to describe young people who don't buy into aspirational society)
crystal system
(Tw) (university education) minor
to be connected / to be related
interpersonal relationship
blood relationship; consanguinity
the eight major cuisines of China, namely 川魯粵蘇浙閩湘徽|川鲁粤苏浙闽湘徽
department of chemistry
to improve relations
stake / vital interest / concern
Physical Education department
special relation
frame of reference / coordinate frame (math.)
phylogenetic relationship
frame of reference
system of polar coordinates
Sino-Russian relations
(idiom) favoritism shown to sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other female relative / (idiom) (by extension) favoritism towards relatives, friends or associates
mutually related / interconnected
foreign relations / diplomatic relations
anglophone / English department
shady relationship / affair / adulterous relationship
Indo-European family of languages
Ordovician system (geology)
relations between levels of production / socio-economic relations
(math.) equivalence relation
recurrence relation
carboniferous system / coal measure (geology)
solar system
to transfer (from one unit to another)
Andromeda galaxy M31
political relations
barred spiral galaxy
Sino-Japanese relations
to be promiscuous / to sleep around
Andromeda galaxy M31
public relations
good relations
National Health Service (UK)
Silurian system (geology) / see 志留紀|志留纪
stellar system / galaxy
uplifting; rejuvenating; heartwarming
man-woman connection / intimate relationship
cubical system (crystallography) / crystal system based on cubic lattice / equiaxial crystal system
medical school
department of electronics
triangular relationship; (esp.) a love triangle
to enroll without declaring one's major or department (in one's first year(s) of university)
improper relationship; illicit relationship
bilateral relations
cold relations (e.g. between countries)
industrial relations / relations between labor and capital
relations between labor and employer / industrial relations
Beiyang faction of Northern Warlords
department of foreign languages / modern languages (college department)
Fengtian clique (of northern warlords)
foreign relations
formally establish diplomatic relations
system of thought / ideology
inertial system / inertial frame (mechanics)

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