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66 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *粗* | 粗* | *粗
(of sth long) wide; thick / (of sth granular) coarse / (of a voice) gruff / (of sb's manner etc) rough; crude; careless; rude
  *粗* | 粗* | *粗
variant of
  *粗* | 粗* | *粗
remote; distant / variant of
careless / thoughtless
crude / gruff / rough / coarse
HSK 7-9
crude; crass; rude; rough; harsh
HSK 7-9
rough (not precise or accurate) / cursory
HSK 7-9
negligent / careless / inadvertent
HSK 7-9
coarse / crude (in one's manner) / boorish
HSK 7-9
to make text bold
thick and thin / coarse and fine / thickness (caliber) / coarseness / quality of work
vulgar / coarse / uncouth
vulgar language; coarse language
rich and imposing / rich and overbearing
thick / bulky / loud
swear words / obscene language / foul language
thick and solid
plain tea and simple food / (fig.) bread and water
rough / rude / boorish / straightforward / uninhibited
shallow / superficial
burly / strapping / big and strong
coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc)
to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slipshod work
insolent / boorish / rough (in actions)
extensive / expansive / large-scale
to use violence (against sb) / to strong-arm sb / to manhandle
thick stems and broad leaves (idiom) / boorish / rough and ready / sloppy
unskilled labor / heavy manual work
stocky (short and robust)
irascible / overbearing
crude / coarse / unsophisticated / shallow
uncouth fellow / rustic
straightforward / forthright
awkward / clumsy / unwieldy / heavy-handed
coarse / rough / careless
rough / coarse / crude / without due care / ill-considered
uneducated person / yokel / boor / roughneck
to latch on to the rich and powerful
bold (typeface)
coarse salt / rock salt
(cinema) rough cut
rough estimate
brusque; rough; boorish; crude
husky / hoarse / raucous
Chinese plum-yew / Cephalotaxus sinensis (botany)
an unappealing and unsatisfying meal
lit. a hair plucked from (person A) would be thicker than (person B)'s waist (idiom) / fig. A is far richer (or more powerful) than B / (used in a pattern such as A拔根汗毛比B的腰粗)
to say offensive words; to swear
to pant heavily
to provoke
millstone grit
broad classification / (when followed by 為|为) to roughly divide (into category A, category B, ...)
kitsch / vulgar art / art in bad taste
abrasive / husky (voice)
coarse rice / coarse (of food)
rude words / dirty talk
bold letter
crude and ill-educated (idiom)
variant of 粗魯|粗鲁
red in the face / extremely angry
Cephalotaxus mannii (botany)

Tip: The character dictionary gives detailed information about separate Chinese characters; the word dictionary contains words consisting of 1 or more Chinese characters.
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