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24 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
paranasal sinus
first awakening of love (usually of a girl) (idiom)
  *窦* | 窦* | *窦
surname Dou
  *窦* | 窦* | *窦
(literary) hole; aperture / (anatomy) cavity; sinus
(literary) doubts / suspicions / cause for suspicion
frontal sinus
The Injustice to Dou E (popular drama by 關漢卿|关汉卿)
Matthew / St Matthew the evangelist / less common variant of 馬太|马太 (preferred by the Catholic Church)
cellar / crypt
sinus (anatomy) / subterranean passage
sphenoidal sinus
paranasal sinus
mastoid antrum (bones at the back of tympanic chamber)
Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China
Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China / erroneous spelling of 利瑪竇|利玛窦
(lit.) love aperture / (fig.) interest in love matters
dog hole / gap caused by missing teeth / fig. den of thieves
dog hole wide open (idiom); fig. gap caused by missing teeth (used mockingly)
Gospel according to St Matthew
wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel / living in poverty
wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel / living in poverty
to close doors and block openings (idiom); mounting a strict defense
Feng Doubo or Feng Wu (1672-), calligrapher of the Ming-Qing transition / also called 馮武|冯武

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