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28 results on this page.

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  *禄* | 禄* | *禄
good fortune / official salary
official's salary (in feudal times)
wealth and official post
Niohuru (prominent Manchu clan)
high post and generous salary (idiom); promotion to a high official position
rank and emolument of nobility
to get undeserved rewards (idiom)
traditional Fire God / destruction by fire
to yearn for a high official position
auspicious sculpted animal, usu. a unicorn or deer with a long tail / possession of the empire
to draw government pay / to be in public service / salary of an official
happiness and wealth
Nestlé Milo (chocolate-flavored powder added to milk or water)
old term for Sulawesi or Celebes 蘇拉威西|苏拉威西
official salaries
Li Tianlu (1910-1998), Taiwanese master puppeteer
hereditary benefits such as rank and wealth
Peter (Catholic transliteration)
position and wealth (idiom); rank, fame and fortune
promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)
to hold a sinecure
Lazarus (Catholic transliteration)
Don't get a reward if it's not deserved. (idiom)
to be unsalaried / to be unfortunate / death
Qarluq or Karluk nomadic tribe, a Turkic ethnic minority in ancient times
to avoid employment
Ashina Qutlugh, personal name of 頡跌利施可汗|颉跌利施可汗
high salary, generous remuneration

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