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society / CL: 個|个
travel agency
community / neighborhood
  *社* | 社* | *社
(bound form) society; organization; agency / (old) god of the land
association / society / group / union / club / organization
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
newspaper (i.e. a company) / CL:
HSK 7-9
interaction / social contact
HSK 7-9
cooperative / workers' or agricultural producers' cooperative etc
HSK 7-9
editorial (in a newspaper) / CL:
HSK 7-9
publishing house
HSK 7-9
social insurance (abbr. for 社會保險|社会保险)
state / country / the Gods of earth and grain
social work / social worker
community / social grouping
editorial (in a newspaper) / also written 社論|社论
Sheqi county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳, Henan
social science (abbr.)
Reuters News Agency
commune member (PRC, 1958-1985) / member of a society (or other organization)
hotel / hostel
a reading group / press (i.e. publishing house)
theater company
to form an association
cooperative (organisation) / cooperation (e.g. between companies)
Associated Press (AP) / abbr. for 美國聯合通訊社|美国联合通讯社
president or director (of association etc)
Yushe county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
socialist party
theatrical performance (e.g. on religious festival)
Social Democratic party
TASS / Information Telegraph Agency of Russia
lit. rat in a country shrine, fox on town walls; fig. unprincipled thugs who abuse others' power to bully and exploit people
(coll.) corporate drone (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 社畜 "shachiku")
a guild / (in olden times) an association such as a political party, religious group or trade guild / the Japanese word for company
social sciences
Japanese limited company / corporation / public company / Ltd / p.l.c. / Corp / Japanese pr. kabushiki-gaisha
Fushe, late Ming political and cultural movement led by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥 and others, advocating the revival of ancient studies
social work
magazine publisher
Central News Agency (Taiwan)
subdivision or branch of an organization / news bureau
social phobia (abbr. for 社交恐懼症|社交恐惧症)
Agence France Presse / AFP news agency
(neologism c. 2020) (slang) to die of embarrassment (figuratively)
feudal society
credit union
socialism with Chinese characteristics, phrase introduced by the CCP in 1986 to refer to its ideological model, embracing the economic reforms of the post-Mao era
social worker
people's commune
upper class / high society
the international community
Encyclopedia of China Publishing House
social media
Jiusan Society, one of the eight political parties of the CCP
Yasukuni Shrine, Shinto shrine in Tokyo to Japanese war dead, controversial as burial ground of several Class A war criminals
festival entertainment (lion dance, dragon lantern etc)
social recruiting (abbr. for 社會招聘|社会招聘)
social phobia / social anxiety
Yushe county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
Paris Commune 1871, an unsuccessful proletarian uprising against the French Third Republic
social activity
China News Service (CNS) (abbr. for 中國新聞社|中国新闻社)
antisocial (behavior)
social environment; milieu
slave-owning society (precedes feudal society 封建社會|封建社会 in Marxist theory)
(abbr.) humanities and social sciences
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1922-1991 / abbr. to 蘇聯|苏联 Soviet Union
civil society
social dancing
primitive society
society in which the material needs of most citizens are adequately met
social security
private financing (abbr. for 社會融資|社会融资)
criminal underworld / organized crime syndicate
China Travel Service (CTS), state-owned travel company
social care
Rotary Club
national socialism / Nazism
Yonhap (South Korean news agency)
China News Service (CNS), a state-owned news agency in China, focused primarily on providing news to Chinese communities outside mainland China
collectivization of agriculture (disastrous policy of communist Russia around 1930 and China in the 1950s)
Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS), Russian news agency
to manage communes diligently and thriftily
Interfax, Russian non-governmental news agency
Bloomberg News
Bloomberg News
public interest
social services
social democracy
private (non-government) financing
social class

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