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stone / CL: 塊|块
rock-paper-scissors (hand game)
rock-paper-scissors (game)
The Story of the Stone, another name for A Dream of Red Mansions 紅樓夢|红楼梦
to wade across the river, feeling for footholds as one goes (idiom) / to advance cautiously, step by step / to feel one's way forward
engorged breasts; rock-hard breasts (resulting from postnatal milk accumulation or complications from breast implants)
claypot (used in cooking)
to move a stone and stub one's toe / to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)
lit. an egg colliding with a rock (idiom) / fig. to attack sb stronger than oneself / to overrate one's abilities
to crush one's own foot while trying to maneuver a rock (to a cliff edge, to drop on one's enemy) (idiom) / hoisted by one's own petard
lit. crossing the river by feeling for stones / improvise by trial-and-error / move cautiously

Tip: The character dictionary has hand writing instructions for many Chinese characters, a brush icon is shown in front of the character when these instructions are available, try clicking it.
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