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  *燕* | 燕* | *燕
Yan, a vassal state of Zhou in present-day Hebei and Liaoning / north Hebei / the four Yan kingdoms of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Yan 前燕 (337-370), Later Yan 後燕|后燕 (384-409), Southern Yan 南燕 (398-410), Northern Yan 北燕 (409-436) / surname Yan
  *燕* | 燕* | *燕
swallow (family Hirundinidae) / old variant of
  *燕* | 燕* | *燕
variant of
swift / Apodidae (the swift family)
(bird species of China) barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)
silver swallow / airplane (affectionate)
Later Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (384-409)
baby swallow
Aerodramus, genus of birds that use echolocation, a subset of the Collocaliini tribe (swiflets), two of whose species – Aerodramus fuciphagus and Aerodramus maximus – build nests harvested to make bird's nest soup
as lithe as a swallow (of athlete or beautiful girl)
swallow chick
Northern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (409-436)
Southern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-410)
to leave peace for the future generations
(bird species of China) Eurasian crag martin (Ptyonoprogne rupestris)
(bird species of China) red-rumped swallow (Cecropis daurica)
Former Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (337-370)
(bird species of China) Leach's storm petrel (Hydrobates leucorhous)
(bird species of China) striated swallow (Cecropis striolata)
(bird species of China) Asian house martin (Delichon dasypus)
(bird species of China) Pacific swallow (Hirundo tahitica)
(bird species of China) wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii)
lit. the goose comes, the swallow goes (idiom); fig. always on the move
banquet held for high-ranking imperial or feudal officials
(bird species of China) house swift (Apus nipalensis)
(bird species of China) sand martin (Riparia riparia)
(bird species of China) Germain's swiftlet (Aerodramus germani)
(bird species of China) Matsudaira's storm petrel (Hydrobates matsudairae)
(bird species of China) common swift (Apus apus)
(bird species of China) dark-rumped swift (Apus acuticauda)
Zeng Jinyan (1983-), Chinese blogger and human rights activist, wife of dissident activist Hu Jia 胡佳
(bird species of China) Asian palm swift (Cypsiurus balasiensis)
(bird species of China) pale martin (Riparia diluta)
(bird species of China) silver-backed needletail (Hirundapus cochinchinensis)
(bird species of China) Wilson's storm petrel (Oceanites oceanicus)
(bird species of China) white-throated needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus)
Pai Hsiao-yen (daughter of Pai Ping-ping)
(bird species of China) white-eyed river martin (Pseudochelidon sirintarae)
(bird species of China) Siberian house martin (Delichon lagopodum)
(bird species of China) Himalayan swiftlet (Aerodramus brevirostris)
(bird species of China) dusky crag martin (Ptyonoprogne concolor)
(bird species of China) grey-throated martin (Riparia chinensis)
(bird species of China) Tristram's storm petrel (Hydrobates tristrami)
(bird species of China) crested treeswift (Hemiprocne coronata)
(bird species of China) Swinhoe's storm petrel (Hydrobates monorhis)
(bird species of China) Nepal house martin (Delichon nipalense)

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