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  *熟* | 熟* | *熟
ripe; mature / thoroughly cooked; done / familiar; acquainted / experienced; skilled / (of sleep etc) deep; profound / also pr. [shou2]
mature; ripe / to mature; to ripen / Taiwan pr. [cheng2shou2]
to boil thoroughly / to cook thoroughly
adept / skilled
skillful / proficient
to sound familiar / familiar-sounding
to promote ripening of fruit
precocious; early-maturing
familiar-looking / to seem familiar
well cooked / to know thoroughly
lit. an easy drive on a familiar path (idiom); fig. experience makes progress easy / a task that is so familiar one can do it with one's hand tied behind one's back
lit. ripe as a melon that rolls from its vine (idiom); fig. to know fluently / to know sth inside out / to know sth by heart
to be proficient in
underripe / half-cooked / (fig.) not mastered (of a technique) / clumsy / halting
ripening in autumn (of crops)
half-cooked; (of vegetables) parboiled; (of steak) medium; (of eggs) soft-boiled
to swindle associates, friends or relatives
everything is unfamiliar
to be a stranger in a strange land (idiom) / in an unfamiliar place without friends or family
familiar with one another
to look familiar / familiar-looking
sexual maturity
medium rare (of steak)
unfamiliar at first, but well accustomed soon enough (idiom)
rare (of steak)
medium (of steak)
unfamiliar at first but you get used to it / strangers are first meeting, but soon friends / an acquired taste
medium well (of steak)
to know a lot of people
thoroughly cooked; (of steak) well done; (of eggs) hard-boiled
to get familiar with

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