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  *没* | 没* | *没
(negative prefix for verbs) have not; not
it doesn't matter
to have spare time / free from work / it's not important / it's nothing / never mind
it doesn't matter; it's nothing; never mind / think nothing of it; it's my pleasure; you're welcome
haven't / hasn't / doesn't exist / to not have / to not be
that's right / sure! / rest assured! / that's good / can't go wrong
(coll.) can't do anything about it / (coll.) there's no way that ...; it's simply not credible that ... / (coll.) couldn't be (better) (i.e. simply wonderful)
didn't expect
never (in the past) / never did
to confiscate; to seize
(before a noun) Do (you, they etc) have ...? / Is there a ...? / (before a verb) Did (you, they etc) (verb, infinitive)? / Have (you, they etc) (verb, past participle)?
without end / incessantly / on and on
HSK 7-9
to decline / to wane
HSK 7-9
to engulf / to bury / to overlook / to stifle / to neglect / to fall into oblivion
HSK 7-9
at one's wit's end / unable to find a way out
HSK 7-9
nothing to pick on; really good / nothing to discuss; settled matter; no problem
HSK 7-9
boring / of no interest
HSK 7-9
to have no strength / to feel weak / exhausted / feeling listless / boring / of no interest
HSK 7-9
erhua variant of 沒準|没准
HSK 7-9
  *没* | 没* | *没
drowned / to end / to die / to inundate
to submerge / to drown / to flood / to drown out (also fig.)
to sink
to come and go / to roam about (mostly unseen) / (of a ghost) to haunt (a place) / (of a criminal) to stalk (the streets) / (of the sun) to rise and set
to impose a fine and confiscate (property)
to embezzle / to swallow up / to engulf
to bury / to submerge / to pass into oblivion / to obliterate / to annihilate (physics)
lit. to appear and disappear unpredictably like a spirit or a ghost (idiom) / fig. elusive
day and night / regardless of the time of day or night
simple-minded / thoughtless / heartless / nitwitted
to immerse / to swamp
total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout
to vanish gradually / to disappear / to fade out
a little dirt never killed anybody (proverb) / a couple of germs won't do you any harm
to invite a snub / to court a rebuff
annihilated / capsized
listless / dispirited / washed out / also written 沒精打彩|没精打彩
to sink / to drown
to sink into oblivion / to be lost to memory / to vanish
lit. will not be forgotten even after one's teeth fall out / to remember as long as one lives / unforgettable (idiom)
to pass into oblivion
to be dead / not to be, or cease to exist
it is nothing / there's nothing ... about it
sunset / sundown
no problem
there is nothing to be done / one can't do anything about it
before long / soon after
there has never been; has never had / (before a verb) has never
not sure / maybe
to confiscate
to submerge / to subduct (of tectonic plates)
myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有
not to have any meaning / meaningless
(coll.) can't bear to look at it / hideous / appalling
one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)
(neologism c. 2024) to stubbornly endure hardships that need not be endured; to go out of one's way to make things difficult for oneself
all good things must come to an end (idiom)
sunk cost (economics)
nothing is impossible / there's nothing impossible about it
not a bit / nothing is up / nothing alarming is happening
hopeless / helpless / incurable / fantastic / out of this world
to have no alternative; to be helpless
(literary) (of the government) to register and confiscate (sb's property)
lit. once you've shot the arrow, there's no getting it back (idiom) / fig. once you started sth, there's no turning back / to have to finish what one started / to be determined to reach one's goals in spite of setbacks
really good / excellent
no way / impossible
without rules, nothing can be done (idiom); one must follow some rules
(idiom) no secret can be kept forever
without a second thought
lit. three monks have no water to drink (idiom) / fig. everybody's business is nobody's business / (If there is one monk, he will fetch water for himself. If there are two, they will fetch water together. But if there are three or more, none will take it upon himself to fetch water.)
there is no difference / it makes no difference
hard to forget even after one's teeth fall out (idiom); to remember a benefactor as long as one lives / undying gratitude
(old) unprincipled; incorrect / (modern) unnatural; against reason; incredible
unimportant / perfunctory / indifferent / (of conversation) idly
at a loss / unable to do anything about it / to have no choice
trivial (matters) / triviality / nonsense / rubbish
to lose one's life / to die / recklessly / desperately
lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character (idiom) / fig. things have not even begun to take shape / no sign of success yet
a youth without facial hair cannot be relied upon (proverb)
unsure / uncertain / unending
outspoken / artless / tactless
embarrassing / dull / unsatisfactory
hopeless / incurable
(dialect) silly
not to have the guts (to do sth) / cowardly
(coll.) are you blind or something? / look where you're going
lit. without head, without face (idiom) / fig. frenzily / haphazardly
to fade away / to disappear / to hide from view
While the green hills last, there'll be wood to burn (idiom). Where there's life there's hope.
lit. not even the first stroke of the character has been written (idiom) / fig. things have not even gotten started yet; nothing tangible has come of one's plans yet

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Tip: Pinyin can be entered with or without tone numbers, e.g. 'nihao' or 'ni3hao3'.
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