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  *枝* | 枝* | *枝
branch / classifier for sticks, rods, pencils etc
branch / twig
HSK 7-9
litchi or lychee fruit (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)
cinnamon (Ramulus Cinnamomi)
branch / limb (of a tree)
to prune (branches etc)
branch / twig / stem
kapok (tree)
Zhijiang, county-level city in Yichang 宜昌, Hubei
twig / branch
(of plants) to grow luxuriantly; (fig.) (of a family or business etc) to prosper; to flourish
branch and leaf
lit. lovely scene of blossoming plants swaying in the breeze (idiom) / fig. gorgeously dressed (woman)
(idiom) new problems arise unexpectedly
branches and knots / fig. side issue / minor peripheral problem
minor details / trifles
branch / twig
thick stems and broad leaves (idiom) / boorish / rough and ready / sloppy
to deliberately complicate an issue (idiom)
branches and tendrils / fig. overcomplicated or digressive
when the root is firm, the branches flourish
branch stem
variant of 枝椏|枝桠
(tree) graft
spray (sprig of a plant with blossoms) / cuttlefish (on dining menus) / (literary) beautiful woman
massage / snapped-off branch / sprig / to snap a twig (i.e. sth that requires very little effort)
a gun / guns in general / same as 槍支|枪支
olive branch / symbol of peace
golden branch, jade leaves (idiom); fig. blue-blooded nobility, esp. imperial kinsmen or peerless beauty
custard apple / soursop (Annonaceae)
Zhijiang, county-level city in Yichang 宜昌, Hubei
Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter)
Zhu Zhishan (1460-1526), Ming calligrapher and poet, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子
In the sky to be two birds flying wing to wing, on earth to be two trees with branches intertwined / wishing for conjugal bliss
Panzhihua, prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province 四川省
Zicheng town in Yidu county 宜都, Yichang 宜昌, Hubei
Zicheng town in Yidu county 宜都, Yichang 宜昌, Hubei
Palm Sunday (Christian Festival one week before Easter)
lit. only one branch of the tree is thriving (idiom) / fig. to be in a league of one's own / outstanding
to become bogged down in the details (idiom)
variant of 枝椏|枝桠
side issues keep arising (idiom)
variant of 肢解
dendrite (crystallography)
cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), esp. grown as bonsai
a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising
seeds of litchi or lychee (in TCM)
near and distant relatives

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