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25 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
termination / to finish / to end / to conclude / to close
  *束* | 束* | *束
to bind / bunch / bundle / classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc / to control
to restrict / to limit to / to constrain / restriction / constraint
to restrict / to restrain / constrained / awkward / ill at ease / uncomfortable / reticent
HSK 7-9
light beam
  *束* | 束* | *束
surname Shu
free and unconstrained (idiom); unfettered / unbuttoned / without care or worries
attire / clothing
to exercise control over / restriction; control
to constrict / to draw tight / to gather (one's thoughts) / to bring to a close / to pack (for a journey)
to cluster
to regulate / to check and restrict
micelle (chemistry)
restricted / constrained
vascular bundle (botany)
unfinished / unresolved
beam of elementary particles
multibeam (e.g. laser)
scattering of bundle (of electrons in vacuum tube) / debunching
Chinese name for African kingdom in Somalia, cf Mogadishu 摩加迪沙
approaching the end / about to conclude
beam of electrons

Tip: In the word dictionary, the Chinese sentence lookup can lookup whole Chinese sentences, automatically splitting it into separate words.
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