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79 results on this page.

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to put an end to
HSK 7-9
Medusa (monster of Greek mythology)
  *杜* | 杜* | *杜
surname Du
  *杜* | 杜* | *杜
birchleaf pear (tree) / to stop / to prevent / to restrict
cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp., also written 杜鵑鳥|杜鹃鸟) / Indian azalea (Rhododendron simsii Planch, also written 杜鵑花|杜鹃花)
eucommia (a kind of rubber tree)
DuPont (company)
Dolby (audio technology)
to nip in the bud (idiom)
to fabricate / to make sth up / invented
Du Kang, legendary inventor of wine
cuckoo / same as 杜鵑鳥|杜鹃鸟
Abdullah (name)
Duisburg, city in the Ruhr 魯爾區|鲁尔区, Germany
Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso
Duma, lower chamber of Russian parliament
Durex, a condom brand name
Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan
Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant)
Dubrovnik (city in Croatia)
Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant)
Du Fu (712-770), great Tang dynasty poet
to stop / to block
Doberman (dog breed)
to remain silent
Johnnie To (1955-), Hong Kong film director
Du Mu (803-852) Tang dynasty poet
to close the door (lit. and fig.)
Du Wei (1982-), Shanghai soccer star / Dewey (name)
cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.)
Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016), king of Thailand 1946-2016
Dubai (Tw)
Li Bai 李白 and Du Fu 杜甫
Du Xunhe (846-904), Tang poet
(medicine) dolantin (loanword) / pethidine
Dolce & Gabbana (fashion brand)
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
didgeridoo (loanword)
Duvalier (name)
song of lady Du Qiu, poem by Du Mu 杜牧
Doha, capital of Qatar (Tw)
Du Yuesheng (1888-1951), Shanghai secret-society leader, banker, industrialist
Dodoma, capital of Tanzania (Tw)
Madame Tussaud (1761-1850), French wax sculptor who founded the eponymous wax museum in London
juniper berry
Indian Azalea (Rhododendron simsii Planch)
Alexander Dubček (1921-1992), leader of Czechoslovakia (1968-1969)
(bird species of China) plaintive cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus)
(bird species of China) oriental cuckoo (Cuculus optatus)
Anti-Dühring, book by Friedrich Engels 恩格斯
(bird species of China) Himalayan cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)
(bird species of China) Indian cuckoo (Cuculus micropterus)
(bird species of China) common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
(bird species of China) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
too frightened to move or speak
Düsseldorf (Germany)
Düsseldorf (Germany) / also written 杜塞爾多夫|杜塞尔多夫
Dubonnet (name) / Dubonnet (red vermouth aperitif wine)
birchleaved pear (Pyrus betulaefolia)
Dufour gland (produces female sex hormone in bees)
Dufour gland (produces female sex hormone in bees)
to nip in the bud
Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆, Heilongjiang
Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆, Heilongjiang
Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆, Heilongjiang
Du Fu's Thatched Cottage (park and museum in Chengdu)
to shut the door and remain inside / fig. to cut off contact
Duji, a district of Huaibei City 淮北市, Anhui
Duji, a district of Huaibei City 淮北市, Anhui
lit. the cuckoo, after its tears are exhausted, continues by weeping blood (idiom) / fig. extreme grief
Tucana (constellation)
Cuculidae, bird family including cuckoo 杜鵑鳥|杜鹃鸟
Ericaceae (botany), genus containing rhododendron and azalea
(bird species of China) banded bay cuckoo (Cacomantis sonneratii)
(bird species of China) Malaysian hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx fugax)
Vaduz, capital of Liechtenstein
Vanuatu, country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean (Tw)
to prevent

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