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53 results on this page.

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  *杆* | 杆* | *杆
stick / pole / lever / classifier for long objects such as guns
railing / banister
HSK 7-9
  *杆* | 杆* | *杆
pole / CL: 條|条,
iron (golf club)
iron rod / zealous / die-hard
tension bar
surveyor's pole / post (used for a landmark) / (fig.) goal; model; benchmark
worm (mechanical engineering)
electric pole / telephone pole
electric pole / telegraph pole
a boom (i.e. transverse beam for hanging objects)
lever / pry bar / crowbar / financial leverage
the shaft of a pen or writing brush / (metonym) pen (as in 耍筆桿|耍笔杆 and 搖筆桿|摇笔杆)
a pole / a prop
push rod or tappet (mechanics) / putter (golf) / to putt (golf)
club (golf) / cue (billiards) / also written 球桿|球杆
(a person's) back (usu. as sth one keeps straight) / (fig.) backing; support
gun barrel
arrow shaft
(dialect) leg
the beam of a steelyard / a balance arm
(of a snooker competition or golf tournament) to start; to kick off
swing (golf)
fishing rod
top bar / crown bar
selfie stick / also written 自拍杆
telephone pole / utility pole
lasso on long wooden pole
joystick / control lever
wooden pole / wood (golf club)
electric pole / telephone pole / lamppost / CL:
electric pole / telephone pole / lamppost / CL:
tappet (machine part)
par (golf)
financial leverage / leveraging (i.e. buying shares on borrowed funds)
sand wedge (golf)
backswing (golf)
gear lever
to craft facile prose; to play around with words
gear lever / stick shift
driver (golf)
spoon (golf)
chip (golf shot)
control lever; joystick
to write for a living
(finance) leverage / gearing
chipper (golf)
fishing rod / CL:
electric trolley pole

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