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8 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
in full swing (idiom) / (in a) frenzy / buzzing with activity
Chaotian district of Guangyuan city 廣元市|广元市, Sichuan
to have an audience with the Emperor / to be presented at court / to look skyward / to look up
four legs facing the sky (idiom); flat on one's back
lit. to present oneself confidently to the emperor, without makeup (as did the sister of Yang Guifei 楊貴妃|杨贵妃) (idiom) / fig. (of a woman) to show one's natural features, without makeup / to present oneself just as one is, without artifice
face to the ground, back to the sky
lit. to have one's nose in the air (idiom) / fig. arrogant; haughty
upside down / upturned

Tip: In the character dictionary, entering multiple pinyin syllables will result in multiple searches on one result page.
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