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nationality; ethnic group / CL: 個|个
the Chinese nation / the Chinese people (collective reference to all the ethnic groups in China)
  *族* | 族* | *族
race / nationality / ethnicity / clan / by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族)
family / clan
HSK 7-9
race / ethnicity
HSK 7-9
lord / nobility / nobleman / noblewoman / aristocrat / aristocracy
HSK 7-9
ethnic group / community
office workers (as social group)
tribe; clan
Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the PRC's second most numerous ethnic group
Tibetan ethnic group
Han ethnic group
different tribe
Manchu ethnic group of Liaoning province
genealogical record / family history / lineage
Yao ethnic group of southwest China and southeast Asia
Yi ethnic group
social group / subculture / family / clan / see also
clansman / clan members / relatives / ethnic minority
Kam people, who live mostly in southern China and in the north of Laos and Vietnam
clan / clansman
blood relations / one's own flesh and blood / kin
the imperial family / royal kin
Qiang ethnic group, nowadays esp. in north Sichuan
Li ethnic group
Hui Islamic ethnic group living across China
large and influential family / clan
Bai (ethnic group)
clan elder
She ethnic group
Hmong or Miao ethnic group of southwest China
extermination of an entire family (ancient Chinese punishment)
Evenk Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia
abbr. for 維吾爾族|维吾尔族, Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang
Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia
distinguished or prominent family / influential clan (old)
clan authority / clan power
Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市, Henan
ethnic group
clan / race
relatives / members of the same family, clan, tribe etc
offspring a famous family (idiom); good breeding / blue blood
people who go on walks for exercise / (Tw) rebel youth motorcycle group
Tu or White Mongol ethnic group of Qinghai
language branch
noble family / of Chinese ancestry
Gin or Jing, ethnic minority of China, descendants of ethnic Vietnamese people living mainly in Guangxi / Kinh, the ethnic majority in Vietnam
Nu ethnic group
Serb nationality / ethnic Serb / Serbs
the Semites
"ant tribe", college graduates who endure cramped living conditions while trying to develop a career
Atayal or Tayal, one of the indigenous ethnic groups of Taiwan
the bereaved / family of the deceased
smartphone addicts
land-owning class, esp. during Wei, Jin and North-South dynasties 魏晉南北朝|魏晋南北朝
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, capital Yinchuan 銀川市|银川市 (abbr. to 寧|宁)
influential family / powerful clan
racial discrimination / racism
national unity
aquarium (open to the public)
old term for 壯族|壮族, Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi
Tao or Yami, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
word family (cognate words within a given language)
Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, in Yunnan Province 雲南省|云南省
Lingshui Lizu Autonomous County, Hainan
Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County in Chongqing 重慶|重庆
Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi
Jingpo ethnic group of Tibet and Yunnan
Tsou or Cou, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
nationalism / national self-determination / principle of nationalism, the first of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three Principles of the People 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning parity between China and the great powers) / racism
Hani ethnic group
Central University for Nationalities
Gaoshan aborigines (Taiwan), "mountain tribes" (Tw) / Taiwanese aborigines (PRC)
Tajik ethnic group
Lahu ethnic group of Yunnan
Papora or Papura, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
Yugur ethnic group of Gansu
Guangcheng Hui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市, Henan
Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in Gansu Province 甘肅省|甘肃省
Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan
Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in Qinghai Province 青海省
Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, in Guizhou Province 貴州省|贵州省
racial segregation / apartheid
Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, in Yunnan Province 雲南省|云南省
ethnology / anthropology
Nakhi ethnic group in Yunnan
Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, in Hunan Province 湖南省
Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County in Pu'er 普洱市, Yunnan
folk dance
Gelao or Klau ethnic group of Guizhou
Muli Tibetan Autonomous County in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture 涼山彝族自治州|凉山彝族自治州, Sichuan
Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in Yunnan Province 雲南省|云南省
Kazakh ethnic group of Xinjiang
(coll.) adults still living with and depending on their parents
Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, in Hubei Province 湖北省

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