Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

Welcome to the MDBG free online English to Chinese dictionary, the no. 1 Chinese study aid! This website offers more than just a Chinese to English and English to Chinese dictionary, it offers various tools such as: flashcards, quizzes, text annotation, Chinese text input, written Chinese and more. The MDBG dictionary is used in many schools and universities all over the world, discover why! Learn Chinese faster with MDBG!

Chinese dictionary for Windows 10

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23 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
character / script / writing / written language / writing style / phraseology / CL: 個|个
cuneiform (Babylonian script)
literary inquisition / official persecution of intellectuals for their writing
word processing
pictogram / hieroglyph
oracle script / oracle bone character (an early form of Chinese script)
phonetic alphabet / alphabetic writing system
text file
dead language / indecipherable script
hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet; Korean letters
Japanese-style emoticon, e.g. (⇀‸↼‶)
China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs / Unihan
the alphabet / latin letters
expert on writing systems
reform of the writing system
shallow orthography (governed by simple rules)
text only (webpage)
text-only webpage
ideograph / ideographical writing system
initial / first letter of word (in Latin script)

Tip: Looking for an offline dictionary? Try MDBG Chinese Reader for Windows or MDBG Chinese-English dictionary for macOS!
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