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  *改* | 改* | *改
to change / to alter / to transform / to correct
to change / to alter / to transform
to improve; to make better / improvement / CL: 個|个
to amend / to alter / to modify
to transform / to reform / to remodel / to remold
to make better; to improve / CL: 個|个
to correct / to amend / to put right / correction / CL: 個|个
reform / CL: , 種|种, 項|项 / to reform
to change one's costume / to repackage / to remodel / to refit / to modify / to convert
to adapt / to rearrange / to revise
HSK 7-9
to alter / to modify / to revise
HSK 7-9
to revise the current edition / revised edition
HSK 7-9
to improve (sth) / to reform (a system)
HSK 7-9
to alter
HSK 7-9
to change into
HSK 7-9
to rename
HSK 7-9
another day / some other day
HSK 7-9
to mend one's ways (idiom) / to turn over a new leaf
HSK 7-9
to reform and open to the outside world / refers to Deng Xiaoping's policies from around 1980
HSK 7-9
abbr. for 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会, PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), formed in 2003
to rebuild / to transform (a building) / to refurbish
to edit / to modify / to alter (written material)
to change over to / to switch to / to use (sth different)
to reform / to rectify and improve
education reform (abbr. for 教育改革)
to correct one's errors; to mend one's ways
screwdriver / CL:
to change profession
to reorganize / to reshuffle (posts etc)
reform of the medical system
to reorganize / to restructure
to repent / repentance
change of appearance / to revise one's point of view
(law) to amend a judgment; to commute / (in a contest or exam) to change the original decision or score
to change (sth) / to alter (sth) / to change over (to sth else)
abbr. for 勞動改造|劳动改造 / reform through labor / laogai (prison camp)
to change route / to divert (a road or a watercourse)
to alter (text) / to change by painting over / to correct (with correction fluid)
to remarry (of a woman)
to revise / to edit
to change an emperor's or ruler's reign title (old)
to tamper with / to falsify
to change outwardly while remaining essentially the same (derog.) (idiom) / (Tw) (non-derogatory) to change considerably / to undergo a transformation
(idiom) not bat an eyelid
to correct an error
to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
land reform (abbr. for 土地改革)
reelection / to reelect
to mark (homework, exam scripts etc) / to correct and criticize (an article) / to check / to correct / a correction (to a piece of writing)
another day / some other time / to find another day (for appointment etc) / to take a rain check
lit. not to change, despite repeated admonition / incorrigible / unrepentant
to change one's tune / to modify one's previous remark / to change the way one addresses sb (as when one marries and starts to call one's husband's parents 爸爸 and 媽媽|妈妈)
to change a name / to rename
to transition to a new dynasty or regime
it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character (idiom) / you can't change who you are / Can the leopard change his spots?
correct any mistakes you made, but maintain your good record if you did not make them (idiom)
to correct (a bad habit etc)
completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and turn over a new leaf / a reformed character
Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sger rtse rdzong
to change; to modify
to reschedule / to rearrange (e.g. a meeting) / to postpone
to alter / to modify / to change / to tamper
to make frequent or unpredictable changes in policy (idiom)
to revise (text, plan etc)
change of string, move out of rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction / to dance to a different tune
to improve one's family's social status by moving up in the world / to switch one's allegiance to a new patron
not to repent even facing death (idiom) / unrepentant / very obstinate
to mend one's ways
lit. heard in the morning and changed by the evening / to correct an error very quickly (idiom)
to deny / to go back on one's word
struggle, criticize, and transform (Cultural Revolution catchcry)
complete change from the old rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction / a volte-face / to change old practices
to convert / to turn into (sth else) / to adapt (a story to another medium)
(Protestant) Reformation
to revise a manuscript
to check and revise
to make modifications to a product's model or design
to edit a picture; to modify an image / (literary) to change one's plans
PRC National Development and Reform Commission
to improve relations
reform of the writing system
If one can change after making a mistake, there is nothing better (idiom)
economic reform
to correct (improve) a translation
genetic modification; GM
correction fluid
to change (sth) again
rivers and mountains are easy to change, man's character much harder
mixed ownership reform (strategy aimed at enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of state-owned enterprises)
lit. a dog can't stop himself from eating shit (idiom) / fig. bad habits are hard to change
to cut food into a specific size or shape (strips, slices or cubes etc) / (dialect) screwdriver
to transition to a new dynasty
(Internet slang) young lady (Cantonese-influenced alternative to 小姐姐)
turn away from evil and follow virtue
to change profession or business
to alter one's fate / to improve one's luck (e.g. by changing one's name or phone number)
the reformist party
political reform

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