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  *把* | 把* | *把
to hold; to grasp / to hold a baby in position to help it urinate or defecate / handlebar / classifier: handful, bundle, bunch / classifier for things with handles / (used to put the object before the verb: + {noun} + {verb})
to grasp (also fig.) / to seize / to hold / assurance / certainty / sure (of the outcome)
handle / grip / knob
HSK 7-9
to guard a pass / to check on sth
HSK 7-9
handle / (fig.) information that can be used against sb
HSK 7-9
working hand; member of a work team; participant / the boss (short form of 第一把手)
HSK 7-9
to shake hands
  *把* | 把* | *把
door knob / door handle / also pr. [men2 ba4]
torch / CL:
labor contractor / gangmaster
to stand as a goalkeeper / to keep guard on a gate
to profiteer / to gain some underhand advantage
to attempt all tasks at once / to manage every detail regardless of its importance
to turn around in one's hands / to play with / to fiddle with
handlebar (of a bicycle); shaft (of a rickshaw)
to keep watch (during a clandestine activity) / to be on the lookout
to feel the pulse / to take sb's pulse
one or two / a couple of
expert / dab hand
to help out
to become sworn brothers
a handle
trustworthy / dependable
(of a newly appointed official) to make bold changes on assuming office (idiom)
sworn brothers
(dialect) see 仔細|仔细
to engage in speculation and profiteering
lit. there is a knife above the character for lust / fig. lascivious activities can lead to bitter consequences
low-level officer of the army from the Ming to the mid Qing Dynasty
to raise one's wine cup
sinister plot / dirty trick / cheap trick
careless / any-old-how, regardless of the specific task
to control / to dominate / to monopolize
to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she urinates
acrobatics; jugglery / trick; ploy
the person in charge / the head of the leadership group
One key opens one lock. / There is a different solution for each problem. (idiom)
to play with; to fiddle with
indecisive (idiom)
lit. General Iron is guarding the door (idiom) / fig. the door is padlocked — nobody inside
to guard
drill (in sword play) / to thrash around / to demonstrate gymnastic skills / to solicit financial help (in an indirect way) / to show off
to have an intimate friendship
person skilled in a trade / skill
to perform magic / to do magic tricks / prestidigitation
ability / skill
to play the market / to speculate (on financial markets) / to profiteer
deputy leader / the second-in-command
to break out into a cold sweat (idiom)
seal of authority / official seal
inexpert / a botcher
expert cart-driver / charioteer
to hold the rudder / to hold (to take, to be at) the helm / to steer
gamepad (Tw)
to pick up a girl / to get a girl
(argot) gang leader / (fig.) king; the best / also pr. [kang2ba4zi5]
lit. to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it (idiom) / fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off / to go for wool and come back shorn
brake lever / crank handle for stopping or turning off machinery
stem (bicycle component)
What brings you here? (idiom)
to break out into a cold sweat (idiom)
with one's face covered in tears (idiom)
to control; to be in charge of
to have endured all sorts of hardships (to raise one's children) (idiom)
to be of an advanced age; to be old / an advanced age
stubborn / inflexible
to be a dime a dozen; easy to come by
toilet plunger
to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she defecates
(coll.) to be completely at ease
to act unappreciatively in response to a kindness
to drink and chat merrily (idiom)
to pick up a girl; to get a girl
one who does not fear the death of thousand cuts will dare to unhorse the emperor (proverb) / to a fearless person, no fence is high enough
comet / person who brings bad luck; jinx
erhua variant of 搭把手
lit. time is a butcher's knife / fig. time marches on, relentless and unforgiving / nothing gold can stay
butt of a gun
Torch Festival
tiller of a boat
expert flower grower
expert flower grower
pickaxe handle
lit. hair and beard all in one stroke / fig. to handle different things by the same method / one method to solve all problems / one size fits all

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