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emperor / CL: 個|个
empire / imperial
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
imperial capital
regent / monarch
  *帝* | 帝* | *帝
the Yellow Emperor, mythological emperor of China, reigned c. 2697-2597 BC
(male) superstar of the silver screen; best actor award winner
the Jade Emperor
Flame Emperors (c. 2000 BC), legendary dynasty descended from Shennong 神農|神农 Farmer God
imperial capital
heavenly emperor / "the Great" (title)
Baidi town in Chongqing 重慶|重庆, north of the Changjiang, an important tourist attraction
East Timor (officially Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste)
God of heaven / Celestial emperor
imperial throne
autocratic monarchy / imperial regime
the Five Legendary Emperors, usually taken to be the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝, Zhuanxu 顓頊|颛顼, Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾, Tang Yao 唐堯|唐尧 and Yu Shun 虞舜
to be anti-imperialist
to declare oneself emperor / to win the best actor award
three sovereigns 三皇 and five emperors 五帝 of myth and legend / the earliest system of Chinese historiography
Fiery Emperor's tomb in Yanling county, Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan
empress / imperial consort
Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
local tyrant
The Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, medical text c. 300 BC
Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (141-87 BC)
Dili, capital of East Timor
The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Eighty-one Difficulties, medical text, c. 1st century AD
Jade Emperor
Tsarist Russia
Russian empire (1546-1917)
the three gods in charge of heaven, earth and water (Daoism)
Empire State Building (New York City)
the Holy Roman Empire (history)
Emperor Ling of Han (156-189), reigned from 168 to 189
Dijun, Shang dynasty protector God, possibly same as legendary Emperor 帝嚳|帝喾
Charlemagne (c. 747-c. 814), King of the Franks, Holy Roman Emperor from 800
Di Ku or Emperor Ku, one of the Five Legendary Emperors 五帝, great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝
Cyrus the Great (ca. 600-530 BC), the founder of the Persian Empire and the conqueror of Babylon
(Tw) Eswatini
Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (395-1453)
lit. the emperor is not worried, but his eunuchs are (idiom) / fig. the observers are more anxious than the person involved
Wendi (541-604), posthumous name of the first Sui emperor, reigned 581-604
eating comes first, then comes everything else (idiom) (Tw)
Great Qing Empire (1644-1911)
reign name of second Ming emperor, reigned 1398-1402, deposed in 1402
with all the majesty of an emperor (idiom) / reckless / intemperate
Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867-1918
Timor Sea
Emperor Hui of Jin (259-307), personal name 司馬衷|司马衷, 2nd emperor of Jin Dynasty 晉朝|晋朝, reigned 290-307
The Last Emperor, 1987 biopic of Pu Yi 溥儀|溥仪 by Bernardo Bertolucci
Guangxu Emperor
Emperor Wu of Song (363-422), personal name Liu Yu 劉裕|刘裕, founder of Song of the Southern dynasties 劉宋|刘宋, broke away from Eastern Jin in 420, reigned 420-422
child emperor / (fig.) spoiled child / spoiled boy / pampered only child
Ottoman Empire (Tw)
Fulin Emperor Shunzhi (1638-1662), second Qing emperor, reigned 1644-1662
Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)
Emperor Aidi of Tang, reign name of twenty-first and last Tang emperor Li Zhu 李祝 (892-908), reigned 904-907
Korean Empire, from fall of Joseon dynasty in 1897 to annexation by Japan in 1910
the Ottoman Empire
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
Emperor Ming of Han (28-75), Western Han Dynasty Emperor 58-75
Emperor Xian of Han (181-234), the final Han emperor, set up by Dong Zhuo 董卓, reigned 189-220, forced to abdicate 220 by Cao Pi 曹丕
the mausoleum of the First Emperor near Xi'an
Third Reich, Nazi regime (1933-1945)
Daoguang Emperor
Emperor Yang of Sui (569-618), said to have murdered his father and brother to seize the throne, reigned 604-618
Cao Pi 曹丕, emperor of Wei 220-226
posthumous edict of a former emperor / Liu Bei's 劉備|刘备 edict to posterity
Caliphate (Islamic empire formed after the death of the Prophet Muhammad 穆罕默德 in 632)
Emperor Shang of Tang, reign name of fifth Tang emperor Li Chongmao 李重茂 (c. 695-715), reigned 710
British Empire
lit. the sky is high and the emperor is far away (idiom) / fig. remote places are beyond the reach of the central government
empress / refers to Tang empress Wuzetian 武則天|武则天 (624-705), reigned 690-705
Di Yi (died 1076 BC), Shang dynasty king, reigned 1101-1076 BC
Timor island
emperor penguin
list of emperors and kings / dynastic genealogy
Emperor Xin, last ruler of Shang (11th Century BC), famous as a tyrant
one who does not fear the death of thousand cuts will dare to unhorse the emperor (proverb) / to a fearless person, no fence is high enough
Tokyo Imperial University (renamed Tokyo University after 1945)
Yuan Emperor, reign name of Han Dynasty emperor Liu Shi 劉奭|刘奭, (74-33 BC), reigned 48-33 BC
Emperor Xuan (91-48 BC) of the Former Han Dynasty, reigned 74-48 BC
Emperor Wen of Han (202-157 BC), fourth Han emperor, personal name Liu Heng 劉恆|刘恒, reigned 180-157 BC
Liu Heng (202-157 BC), the fourth Han emperor Han Wendi, reigned 180-157 BC
lit. the emperor's daughter does not worry about whether she will be able to marry (idiom) / fig. highly sought after
the Emperor's new clothes (i.e. naked)
see 茼蒿
the First Emperor 259-210 BC
Empire State Building
(in early CCP propaganda) United States (as an imperialist nation) / (in more recent times) a neutral, colloquial term for the United States
several tombs of legendary Emperor Shun, one in Ningyuan county 寧遠縣|宁远县 in southwest Hunan, another Yuncheng prefecture 運城|运城 Shanxi
Saracen Empire (medieval European name for Arab empire)
chakravarti raja (emperor in Hindu mythology)
tribes under the Yellow Emperor
The Matrix (1999 movie)

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