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88 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
left / the left side / to the left of
  *左* | 左* | *左
left / the Left (politics) / east / unorthodox / queer / wrong / differing / opposite / variant of
left and right / nearby / approximately / attendant / to control / to influence
glancing to left and right (idiom); to look all around
HSK 7-9
lower left
left side
(idiom) between a rock and a hard place / in a dilemma
  *左* | 左* | *左
surname Zuo
left hand; left-hand side
to turn over in one's mind (idiom); to think through from different angles / to ponder
left-wing (political)
left side
upper left
Zuo Zhuan or Tsochuan, Mr Zuo's Annals or Mr Zuo's commentary on 春秋, early history c. 400 BC attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming 左丘明
to turn left
neighbors / next-door neighbors / related work units / colleagues doing related work
dissenting religious sect (idiom); heretical school of opinion / dissident group
lit. to strike water right and left (idiom) / fig. to turn everything into gold / to have everything going one's way / to benefit from both sides
left-leaning / progressive
Zuoyun county in Datong 大同, Shanxi
(political) left / left wing / leftist
to fail to meet each other / to conflict with each other / to be at odds with
the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930 / abbr. for 中國左翼作家聯盟|中国左翼作家联盟
to be in straitened circumstances
anyhow / in any event / just / only
port (side of a ship)
left-hand side
to take sides with / to be partial to / to be biased / to favor one side
Left Bank (in Paris)
a sure thing / a certainty / copy of a contract held by a creditor
left and right hands / (fig.) capable assistant / right-hand man
Chongzuo, prefecture-level city in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区
Zuo Qiuming or Zuoqiu Ming (556-451), famous blind historian from Lu 魯國|鲁国 to whom the history Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传 is attributed
Zuoquan county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
the left is for males, the right is for females (traditional saying)
to left justify (typography)
Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming 左丘明 / usually called Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传
Zuoying or Tsoying district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市, south Taiwan
Zuoyun county in Datong 大同, Shanxi
Bairin Left banner of Baarin Züün khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰, Inner Mongolia
Tumed left banner, Mongolian Tümed züün khoshuu, in Hohhot 呼和浩特, Inner Mongolia
New Barag left banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia
left rudder
Sonid Left banner in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟, Inner Mongolia
to turn left
Zuoquan county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
left forward (soccer position)
off-key singing voice / sb who sings off-key
trusted assistant; key aide
(idiom) to digress from the topic of discussion
Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning
to be assured of success (idiom)
to take sides with / to be partial to / to be biased / to favor one side
Zuo Zongtang (1812-1885), Chinese administrator and military leader
General Tso's chicken, a deep-fried chicken dish
Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming 左丘明 / usually called Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传
naive, self-righteous Western liberals (neologism c. 2015)
Alxa Left Banner, Mongolian Alshaa Züün khoshuu, in Alxa League 阿拉善盟, Inner Mongolia (formerly in Gansu 1969-1979)
to remain neutral in a quarrel (idiom)
the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930
(of one's political views) to prefer left rather than right (idiom during the Cultural Revolution)
leftist opportunism
(idiom) between a rock and a hard place / in a dilemma
left hook and right hook (boxing) / the old one-two
lit. to shoot from both sides (idiom) / fig. to display ambidexterity / to slap with one hand and then the other, in quick succession / to use both feet equally (football)
"top of character" component in Chinese characters
to follow a winding path
Zuo Si (3rd century), Jin dynasty writer and poet
Zola (name) / Émile Zola (1840-1902), French naturalist novelist
Zuoying or Tsoying district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市, south Taiwan
left-pointing arrow
left arrow key (on keyboard)
in one ear and out the other
to delude the masses with heretical doctrines (idiom)
erhua variant of 左邊|左边
Bairin Left banner of Baarin Züün khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰, Inner Mongolia
Horqin Left Middle banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Dund khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽, Inner Mongolia
Horqin Left Rear banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Xoit khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽, Inner Mongolia
former Ergun Left banner, now in Ergun, county-level city, Mongolian Ergüne xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

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