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100 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
secret; private; confidential; clandestine / a secret (CL:個|个)
close / familiar / intimate / closely (related) / to foster close ties / to pay close attention
inseparably close
cipher; secret code / password; PIN
  *密* | 密* | *密
dense; close; thick / intimate; close / (bound form) secret; confidential / (Internet slang) to send a private message to (sb); to DM
to keep sth confidential / to maintain secrecy
intimate / close
density / thickness
HSK 7-9
concentrated / crowded together / intensive / compressed
HSK 7-9
secret / classified (information)
HSK 7-9
strict / tight (organization, surveillance etc)
HSK 7-9
to seal up
HSK 7-9
to leak secrets
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
careful / thorough / meticulous / dense / impenetrable
HSK 7-9
dense (of plant growth) / lush
HSK 7-9
inextricably linked (idiom) / inseparable
HSK 7-9
to encrypt / encryption / to protect with a password
to declassify / (computing) to decrypt / to decipher
accuracy / exact / precise / refined
(cryptography) key
(idiom) to have a very close relationship with each other
Mishan, county-level city in Jixi 雞西|鸡西, Heilongjiang
private / secret / intimate
  *密* | 密* | *密
surname Mi / name of an ancient state
Smith (name)
Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17 astronaut)
Miami (Florida)
secret agent / detective / covert investigator
Miyun, a district of Beijing
a room for keeping sth hidden / secret room / hidden chamber
thick / dense / close
Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) / honeydew melon / cantaloupe
Hamilton (name) / Hamilton, capital of Bermuda
Schmidt or Schmitt (surname)
code word; coded language / to communicate in private
meticulous / careful / deliberate / delicate / fine (texture)
close (texture) / dense / densely woven
fine (texture) / meticulous; careful; detailed
fine; dense; compact
to inform against sb
detailed / meticulous / fine and careful
sealed / airtight
secret instruction / secret order
Michigan, US state
top secret
Romeo (name)
lit. urgent beating of gongs and drums (idiom) / fig. to urgently prepare for an upcoming event
high density
secret meeting / to meet secretly
Xinmi, county-level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州, Henan
close friend
close planting
commune / private discussion
to steal secret information
to cover densely
Vajrayana / Tantric Buddhism
thick / murky
prajña paramita (Sanskrit: supreme wisdom - beginning of the Heart Sutra)
sealed off / impenetrable
conspiracy / secret plan / to conspire
coded telegram / secret telegram
secret; hidden
secret envoy
secret appointment
secret documents / abbr. for 機密文件|机密文件
secret report
tightly packed / closely layered
cautious / with meticulous care
secret imperial edict
(idiom) densely populated
compact; dense; close-spaced
detailed / meticulous
numerous and close together / (of hair) luxuriant / (of woods) dense / (of gunfire) intense
to negotiate in secret / confidential discussions
variant of 揭秘
to report secretly / to tip off
thick / concentrated / dense
variant of 閨蜜|闺蜜
deep / profound / abstruse and full (of thought)
Victoria's Secret
closely connected; inseparably related / (epidemiology) close contact (abbr. for 密切接觸者|密切接触者)
esoteric Buddhism
numerous and close together; densely packed; thickly dotted
sealant / sealing glue
close / fine / intricate
combination lock
tell-tale / informer (esp. to police) / whistleblower / grass
secret letter
Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish ethical philosopher and pioneer economist, author of The Wealth of Nations 國富論|国富论

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Tip: Pinyin can be entered with or without tone numbers, e.g. 'nihao' or 'ni3hao3'.
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