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  *套* | 套* | *套
to cover / to encase / cover / sheath / to overlap / to interleave / to model after / to copy / formula / harness / loop of rope / (fig.) to fish for / to obtain slyly / classifier for sets, collections / bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names) / tau (Greek letter Ττ)
set meal / (fig.) product or service package (e.g. for a cell phone subscription)
glove / mitten / CL: 雙|双, 隻|只
coat / jacket / CL:
to form a complete set / compatible / matching / complementary
trap; snare; trick
HSK 7-9
to play a small role
HSK 7-9
outfit or suit (of clothes) / set of coordinated items / kit
nested / nesting
sequence of movements in martial arts / routine / pattern / standard method
kit (equipment) / (bicycle) groupset
forming a complete set / complementing one another
small room opening off another; inner room / suite; apartment; flat / (Tw) room with private bathroom
condom / CL: 隻|只
sleeve cover / outer sleeve
an entire set / full complement
to immobilize with a lasso / to be trapped in the stock market
actor's headgear / wig / head covering
polite phrase; conventional greetings / cliché / to try to worm facts out of sb
to convert (an asset) into cash / to cash out
song cycle in Chinese opera / (fig.) a series of tricks / polite remarks / number of (things that are counted in , like houses)
to acquire fraudulently / an illegal exchange
entire set
the Great Bend of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia
river bend
sheath / case / cover / conventional method / cliché / trick / (coll.) condom
to apply (sth hitherto used in a different context) / to use (rules, systems, models etc copied from elsewhere) (often implying that they aren't suited to the new situation) / to borrow (a phrase) / (Tw) (computing) to apply (a style, formatting etc)
pipe casing
hackneyed / well-worn (phrase etc) / same old story / stereotypical fashion
methods / the old tricks / (slang) condom
orthodontic brace / (dental) crown
boxing glove
costume of minor characters in opera, featuring dragon designs / walk-on
sleeve / a tube for wrapping
to harness a horse / to lasso a horse
in a mess / upside down
envelope / wrapper / (book) jacket / (record) sleeve
to interplant
vestibule / small inner room (opening to others) / suite / apartment
overshoes; galoshes
divertimento (music)
polite greeting / civilities / to exchange pleasantries
earmuff / CL:
duvet cover; quilt cover / (finance) to be stuck with an asset that has decreased in value after purchase
conventional patterns / cliché
collar part of horse harness
(agriculture) to interplant
color printing using several overlaid images
ferrule / ring toss
sleeve cover
leg warmers
a lasso / noose
color printing using several overlaid images
intussusception (medicine)
a woman's suit (including a skirt)
to harness (a horse to a cart)
the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush / the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread)
to conform to no conventional pattern / unconventional / offbeat
printing portions of a page (e.g. a banner headline) in red (or other color)
illegal currency exchange / arbitrage
a fraudulent purchase / to buy up sth illegally
a pullover
polite set phrases
the same old stuff
to sound sb out / to find out by tactful indirect questioning
a suit (of clothes)
Russian doll (matryoshka doll) or similar nested doll
(of a garment) designed to be put on by pulling it over one's head (like a sweater or T-shirt etc)
condom / CL: 隻|只
to have a skill; to be savvy; to know how to do sth
(coll.) loop of rope / noose / scheme / ploy / condom
a noose
(coll.) to cultivate good relations with sb / to try to gain favor with sb
to change (currency) illegally / fraudulent exchange
noose / harness
lasso on long wooden pole
taper bushing
single set
set pattern / old habit
overlapping / nesting / to interleave
a lasso
socket spanner
overshoe; shoe cover
boxing glove
to try to gain sb's friendship
condom / CL: 隻|只
condom / CL: 隻|只
condom / CL: 隻|只
to loosen a yoke / to remove harness (from beast of burden)
to trap a suspect into a confession
(Internet slang) transcription of "not at all" – English words in a song promoting the 2008 Beijing Olympics sung by Huang Xiaoming 黃曉明|黄晓明, who became a laughing stock in China because his pronunciation was perceived as embarrassingly bad / to be a laughing stock / to make a fool of oneself (i.e. equivalent to 鬧笑話|闹笑话)
suit / a set / a collection / of the same kind / the same old stuff / set pattern of behavior
car with fake plates
conventional greeting; polite formula
to wear a condom

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