Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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Chinese dictionary for Windows 10

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13 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
lady / madam / Mrs. / CL:
First Lady (wife of US president)
(old) dowager / old lady (title for the mother of a noble or an official)
lit. having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it (idiom) / fig. to suffer a double loss after trying to trick the enemy
Mrs Thatcher / Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990
Madame Tussaud (1761-1850), French wax sculptor who founded the eponymous wax museum in London
Lady Macbeth
(old) concubine
Maria Skłodowska-Curie or Marie Curie (1867-1934), Nobel laureate in both physics (1903) and chemistry (1911)
the EU Sakharov Human Rights Prize
the EU Sakharov prize for human rights

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