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20 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *墨* | 墨* | *墨
ink stick / China ink / CL: 塊|块 / corporal punishment consisting of tattooing characters on the victim's forehead
HSK 7-9
  *墨* | 墨* | *墨
surname Mo / abbr. for 墨西哥, Mexico
ink (used in painting)
black lead / graphite / plumbago
ink jet
printing ink
pen and ink / words / writing
writing / culture
to describe (in writing, applying ink)
(idiom) to display one's facility with words / to show off one's literary skills / (original meaning) to pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology ( was a reference to 繩墨|绳墨)
lit. carpenter's straight line marker / same as 墨斗 / fig. rules / rules and regulations
posthumous (painting, calligraphy, prose etc)
Anhui ink (known for its quality)
(coll.) a Mexican
compasses, set square and straight line marker (idiom); fig. established standard / norms / criteria
to wield a writing brush (idiom)
poisonous writing / disparaging writing / calumny
one is judged by the company one keeps (idiom)
solder mask (applied to a circuit board)

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