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42 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
area / region / district
domain; sphere; field; territory; area
HSK 7-9
sea area / territorial waters / maritime space
HSK 7-9
river basin / valley / drainage area
HSK 7-9
waters / body of water
HSK 7-9
area / district / region
HSK 7-9
  *域* | 域* | *域
field / region / area / domain (taxonomy)
Western Regions (Han Dynasty term for regions beyond Yumen Pass 玉門關|玉门关)
color gamut
image (or range) of a function (math.)
vocal range / register (music)
foreign country / alien land
subfield (math.)
territory; domain; realm / state; condition; situation; circumstances
the entire area; the entire domain / global; domain-wide
a faraway and hard-to-reach land (classical)
(math.) neighborhood (in a topological space)
(linguistics) linguistic field / register
closed domain / algebraically closed field (math.), e.g. complex number field 複數域|复数域
field of fractions (math.)
(Tw) (quantum mechanics) orbital
(computing) local scope
field of rational numbers (math.), usually denoted by Q
field of complex numbers (math.), usually denoted by C
domain (math.)
integral domain (abstract algebra)
codomain of a function (math.)
algebraic number field (math.)
(computing) global scope
Murray-Darling river system in the southeast of Australia
Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), area of economic cooperation between China and Vietnam
abstract field (math.)
number field (math.) / subfield of the field of complex numbers
(formal) boundary / scope
research area / field of research
administrative area
Changjiang or Yangtze river basin
the Yellow River basin

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