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27 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Simplified
(loanword) coffee / CL:
coffee machine; coffee maker
café; coffee shop / CL:
café / coffee shop
coffee color / brown
caffeine (loanword)
instant coffee
mocha coffee
iced coffee
coffee shop
coffee beans
caffe latte
decaffeinated / decaf
coffee shop
cold brew coffee
coffee house / café / CL:
caffè americano
Coffee-mate (non-dairy creamer manufactured by Nestlé)
instant coffee
Luckin Coffee, chain of coffee shops founded in Beijing in 2017
cappuccino coffee
coffee pot / coffee maker
erhua variant of 咖啡館|咖啡馆
decaffeinated / decaf / see also 無咖啡因|无咖啡因
"kopi luwak" or civet coffee, made from coffee beans plucked from Asian palm civet's feces

Tip: In the word dictionary, the Chinese sentence lookup can lookup whole Chinese sentences, automatically splitting it into separate words.
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