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26 results on this page.

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peace / peaceful
peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc
HSK 7-9
Heping or Peace district (of many towns) / Heping district of Tianjin municipality 天津市 / Heping district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning
Greenpeace (environmental network)
War and Peace by Tolstoy 托爾斯泰|托尔斯泰
peace treaty
Heping District of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning / Heping or Hoping Township in Taichung County 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
peace negotiations
dove of peace
Zhou Enlai's Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence / 1954 Panchsheel series of agreements between PRC and India
Heping county in Heyuan 河源, Guangdong
world peace
Nobel Peace Prize
peaceful reunification
Hepingli neighborhood of Beijing
to uphold peace
(bird species of China) Asian fairy-bluebird (Irena puella)
lasting peace / enduring peace
peace talks / peace discussions
peace envoy
peace settlement / peaceful solution
(U.S.) Peace Corps
international peace foundation
Committee for Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (North Korean)
harmonic mean

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