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  *和* | 和* | *和
(joining two nouns) and; together with; with (Taiwan pr. [han4]) / (math.) sum / to make peace / (sports) to draw; to tie / (bound form) harmonious / (bound form) Japan; Japanese
  *和* | 和* | *和
old variant of
  *和* | 和* | *和
(literary) harmonious (variant of )
peace / peaceful
warm / nice and warm
mild / gentle / moderate
harmonious / harmony / (euphemism) to censor
saturated; filled to capacity
HSK 7-9
auspicious and peaceful
HSK 7-9
to settle (a dispute out of court) / to reconcile / settlement / conciliation / to become reconciled
HSK 7-9
(personal) warmth / approachability / accessibility / (in a product) user friendliness / (chemistry) affinity
HSK 7-9
gentle / soft
HSK 7-9
to ease (tension) / to alleviate / to moderate / to allay / to make more mild
HSK 7-9
Buddhist monk
HSK 7-9
friendly / polite / amiable
HSK 7-9
kindly / nice / amiable
HSK 7-9
to agree / to go along with / to echo (what sb says)
HSK 7-9
peaceful relations / harmonious
HSK 7-9
moderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom); fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime
HSK 7-9
gentle / mild / moderate / placid
HSK 7-9
peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc
HSK 7-9
see 和田地區|和田地区 / Wada (Japanese surname and place name)
  *和* | 和* | *和
surname He
  *和* | 和* | *和
to compose a poem in reply (to sb's poem) using the same rhyme sequence / to join in the singing / to chime in with others
  *和* | 和* | *和
to complete a set in mahjong or playing cards
  *和* | 和* | *和
to combine a powdery substance (flour, plaster etc) with water / Taiwan pr. [huo4]
  *和* | 和* | *和
to mix (ingredients) together / to blend / classifier for rinses of clothes / classifier for boilings of medicinal herbs
Horinger county in Hohhot 呼和浩特, Inner Mongolia
Heping District of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning / Heping or Hoping Township in Taichung County 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
harmony (music)
Zhonghe or Chungho city in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
to neutralize / to counteract / neutralization (chemistry)
calm and peaceful
to harmonize / harmony / cooperation / (music) consonant
amiable / easygoing
warm / agreeable
republic / republicanism
chord (music)
breeze / (Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc)
Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市, south Sichuan
Yamato, an ancient Japanese province, a period of Japanese history, a place name, a surname etc / Daiwa, a Japanese place name, business name etc
to negotiate peace
to connect intimately (with) / amiable / affable
peacemaker; mediator / (derog.) fixer
sum (math.)
to knead dough
to sue for peace / to look for a draw (chess) / summation (math.)
Yonghe Temple / Lama Temple (Beijing)
to make peace / to copulate
Summer Palace in Beijing
Hemei or Homei Town in Changhua County 彰化縣|彰化县, Taiwan
harmonious / in perfect harmony
mild / gentle / to ease up / to relax
Xihe county in Longnan 隴南|陇南, Gansu
affable / kindly
Xéjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
Yunhe county in Lishui 麗水|丽水, Zhejiang
Jehovah (biblical name for God, Hebrew: YHWH) / compare Yahweh 雅威 and God 上帝
peace treaty
pleasantly warm (weather)
peace talks
Hoxud county, Xoshut nahiyisi or Heshuo county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
harmonious / to mediate; to reconcile / mediation / to compromise / to mix; to blend / blended / to season / seasoning / to placate
affable / genial
Toqsu nahiyisi (Xinhe county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, west Xinjiang
warm / genial
Yonghe or Yungho city in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
meek / modest / amiable
to mix; to put together / to interfere in; to get involved in
dove of peace
to mediate / to urge peace
to mix and stir / to blend
peace conference
Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平 Fujian
to become reconciled; on good terms with each other
unwell / indisposed / out of sorts / euphemism or honorific for ill
Taihe, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳, Anhui / Taihe, a district of Jinzhou City 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning
favorable geographical and social conditions (idiom); good location and the people satisfied
tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress
gentle / affable
to echo one another / to respond (in agreement)
antiphon (i.e. solo voice answered by chorus) / sung reply (in agreement with first voice) / to reply with a poem in the same rhythm
amiable manner / pleasant countenance
to mix; to blend / (fig.) to spoil; to mess up things / (fig.) to run around with (sb); to get involved with; to mix (with other people)
to bury the hatchet / to become reconciled
Central African Republic
draw / tied game
disharmony / to become estranged
(coll.) pleasantly soft / comfy / (of words) gentle / soothing
efficient government, people at peace (idiom); all is well with the state and the people

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