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100 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
to tell; to inform; to let know
to advertise / a commercial / advertisement / CL: 項|项
to inform / to report / to make known / report / speech / talk / lecture / CL: , , 個|个,
to leave; to part from / to bid farewell to; to say goodbye to
to pass on / to communicate / to transmit
post / announcement
to warn / to admonish
complainant / plaintiff
to inform
HSK 7-9
to forecast / to predict / advance notice
HSK 7-9
to announce; to give notice / announcement
HSK 7-9
to tell on sb; to complain (to a teacher, a superior etc) / to bring a lawsuit
HSK 7-9
  *告* | 告* | *告
(bound form) to say; to tell / to announce; to report / to denounce / to file a lawsuit; to sue
HSK 7-9
to accuse; to charge; to indict
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
to advise / to urge / to exhort / exhortation / advice / CL:
HSK 7-9
to warn / to admonish
HSK 7-9
to declare / to proclaim
HSK 7-9
to say goodbye / to take one's leave
HSK 7-9
(idiom) "no comment"
HSK 7-9
to press charges; to file a complaint
to announce publicly / to explain oneself / to reveal one's feelings / to confess / to declare one's love
to pray / prayer
to give sb a word of advice / advice; counsel; a wise word
to inform against sb
to be in a state of emergency / to report an emergency / to ask for emergency assistance
to inform by telegraph, telephone etc
to lodge an accusation / accusation (law)
to tell respectfully / to announce reverentially
posting on a bulletin board / notice / bulletin / to announce
to end / to reach an end
to spread the news (idiom)
to sue / to take to court / to file a lawsuit
to frame sb / to accuse falsely
successfully accomplished (project or goal) / to be highly successful
to report (to one's superior)
to volunteer for / to offer to undertake
to petition for retirement (old) / to ask for leave to withdraw / to ask to be excused
to comfort; to console
to publicize widely
to win the first battle
to be kept secret; not to be divulged
to win / to be victorious / to report a victory
written statement / proclamation / announcement
to fizzle out / to come to nothing
to run out / to have exhausted
to beg for mercy
to repeatedly advise sb earnestly (idiom) / to admonish
to inform; to tell
(of a project) to be completed
a notice to reassure the public / advance notice (of an agenda)
to beg piteously / to supplicate
to implore / to beseech
to implore / to plead / to ask earnestly
(honorific) to inform
begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)
to report secretly / to tip off
to ask to be excused / to ask leave to go to the toilet
(Catholicism) to confess; confession
to pass on (a message); to relay (the information)
to come to the end of a phase (idiom)
(literary) to inform (me)
research report
tell-tale / informer (esp. to police) / whistleblower / grass
working report / operating report
ad space; ad slot
Potsdam Declaration
advertising; publicity; promotion
advertising film / TV commercial
advertising company
(dialect) to tell / to inform
public lecture (with guest speakers etc)
plaintiff and defendant / prosecution and defense (lawyers)
variant of 告誡|告诫
(law) to sue
online advertising
advertising column (in a newspaper) / bulletin board
product placement
lit. to beg grandpa and call on grandma (idiom) / fig. to go about begging for help
administrative report
to tell sb; to inform
(coll.) to tattletale; to rat on sb
to succeed through failure / to achieve one's final aim despite apparent setback
hazard lights
parting ceremony / funeral
to beg for forgiveness (idiom)
slot advertisement / interstitial ad / splash ad
defendant (in legal case)
to tell / to inform
annual report
to release a statement
Cox Report / Report of the Select Committee on US National Security and Military-Commercial Concerns with the PRC (1999); Committee Chairman Republican Rep. Chris Cox
trailer (for a movie)
bulletin board

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Tip: Pinyin can be entered with or without tone numbers, e.g. 'nihao' or 'ni3hao3'.
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