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online friend / netizen; Internet user
friend / CL: 個|个,
child; kid (used to refer to a child, or by an adult to address a child, or, in Taiwan, to refer to sb's own child) / CL: 個|个
friendly; amicable / close friend
to make friends / (dialect) to start an affair with sb
old friend / (slang) period / menstruation
close friend / pal / (social networking website) friend / CL: 個|个
companionship / fellowship / friendship
comrade-in-arms / battle companion
friendly feelings / friendship
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
friends and relatives
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
friends and family / kith and kin
HSK 7-9
see 基友
  *友* | 友* | *友
Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang
to make friends
teammate; fellow team member
friendly affection / fraternal love
an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera)
a friend capable of direct admonition
friendly state / ally
schoolmate / alumnus / alumna
odd-job worker (janitor, groundsman etc) at a school or government office / (old) worker / fellow worker
friendly forces / allies
a friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital / wardmate
old friend / sb who passed the county level imperial exam (in Ming dynasty)
to make friends / to meet friends / member of the same organization
drinking buddy
Sumitomo, Japanese company
good teacher and helpful friend (idiom); mentor
bad friend
close friend
friend from whom you can seek advice
old friend
to seek new friends through personal ads, dating apps etc
pen pal
intimate friend / close friend
old friend / deceased friend
good friend / companion
our peasant friends (political term used in the early years of the Old Democratic Revolution, 1840-1919) / (Tw) (coll.) farmer
a pack of rogues (idiom); a gang of scoundrels
helpful friend / wise companion
photography enthusiast / friend with benefits
fuck buddy / friend with benefits
church member
lit. drinking buddy (idiom) / fig. fair-weather friend
schoolmate; classmate
to call on friends and relations (idiom)
revered friend
dormitory roommate
friends; cronies
backpacker / travel buddy
MySpace (social networking website)
(ball game) enthusiast (player) / golf buddy (or tennis buddy etc)
classmate / fellow student
turtle enthusiast
intimate friend
lit. blog friend
to show brotherly love for friends
fitness enthusiast; gym-goer
blind person; visually-impaired person
Feng Youlan (1895-1990), distinguished Chinese philosopher
(coll.) attractiveness (as a potential boyfriend) / degree to which one is "boyfriend material"
(idiom) to be both friend and foe to each other; to have a friendly rivalry
to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom)
(slang) very close same-sex friend / gay partner
(idiom) a boneheaded teammate can do you more harm than the most formidable opponent
diabetes sufferer
good friend / (slang) a visit from Aunt Flo (menstrual period)
Youyi county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山, Heilongjiang
(Internet slang) end of friendship / friendship over!
paying more attention to a lover than friends (idiom) / to value sex over friendship
Yo-Yo Ma (1955-), French-Chinese-American cellist
the more friends you have, the more options you have in life (idiom)
(Internet slang) friend (pun on 朋友)
Friends of Nature (Chinese environmental NGO)
Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)
AIA Group Limited, insurance company
Jacky Cheung or Hok Yau Jacky (1961-), Cantopop and film star
Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang
one depends on one's parents when at home, and on one's friends when away from home (idiom)
you should not covet your friend's wife (idiom)
fan / zealot
(slang) business competitor; industry peer
good relations
Friendship Store, PRC state-run store originally intended for foreigners, diplomats etc, specializing in selling imported Western goods and quality Chinese crafts
Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with lyrics by Robert Burns 羅伯特·伯恩斯|罗伯特·伯恩斯, sung to mark the start of a new year or as a farewell / also rendered 友誼萬歲|友谊万岁 or 友誼天長地久|友谊天长地久
(coll.) to be a true friend

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