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(intransitive) to change; to vary / change; variation (CL:個|个)
  *化* | 化* | *化
to make into / to change into / -ization / to ... -ize / to transform / abbr. for 化學|化学
culture / civilization / cultural / CL: 個|个, 種|种
to digest (food) / (fig.) to absorb (information etc); to assimilate; to process
to change; to turn; to convert / (genetics) to transform / (chemistry) isomerization
evolution / CL: 個|个
to strengthen / to intensify
to deepen / to intensify
to make green with plants / to reforest / (Internet slang) Islamization
to dissolve / to resolve (contradictions) / to dispel (doubts) / to iron out (difficulties) / to defuse (conflicts) / to neutralize (fears)
to simplify
HSK 7-9
to put on makeup
HSK 7-9
breeding / to incubate / innovation (esp. in commerce and marketing)
HSK 7-9
carbon dioxide CO2
HSK 7-9
(of a person, population or material) to age / (of knowledge) to become outdated
HSK 7-9
to optimize
HSK 7-9
to melt / to thaw / to dissolve / to blend into / to combine / to fuse
HSK 7-9
chemical examination / to do a lab test
HSK 7-9
chemical fertilizer
HSK 7-9
to worsen
HSK 7-9
to make more beautiful / to decorate / embellishment
HSK 7-9
to purify
HSK 7-9
to split apart / differentiation
HSK 7-9
to become rigid
HSK 7-9
incarnation / reincarnation / embodiment (of abstract idea) / personification
HSK 7-9
to rot / to decay / to become corrupt
HSK 7-9
countless changes / constant permutation
HSK 7-9
imperceptible influence / to influence secretly
HSK 7-9
to intensify
HSK 7-9
to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
HSK 7-9
to water down / to play down / to trivialize / to weaken / to become dull with time / to desalinate / desalination
HSK 7-9
man-made fiber (abbr. for 化學纖維|化学纤维)
HSK 7-9
chemical industry (abbr. for 化學工業|化学工业) / chemical engineering (abbr. for 化學工程|化学工程)
to oxidize
to petrify / petrochemical industry
Dunhua, county-level city in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin
to personalize / to customize / customization
diversification / pluralism / to diversify
sulfur dioxide SO2
chemistry / chemical
Ninghua, a county in Sanming City 三明市, Fujian
to harden / (medicine) sclerosis / (fig.) to become inflexible in one's opinions; to ossify
old name for district of Hohhot city 呼和浩特, Inner Mongolia
to evolve / evolution
diversification / to diversify
to liquefy
to automate
to purify
digestive system / gastrointestinal tract
vulcanization (curing rubber using sulfur and heat)
carbon monoxide CO
to emulsify
to objectify / (literary) to die
to make into a fine spray; to atomize / (medicine) nebulizer treatment
to carbonize / dry distillation / carbonization
to be transformed / to metamorphose / transformation / metamorphosis
to sinicize / sinicization / (software) Chinese localization
  *化* | 化* | *化
variant of
aluminum oxide
alienation (philosophy) / (of speech) dissimilation
decency / public morals / to weather (rocks) / wind erosion
Xinghua, county-level city in Taizhou 泰州, Jiangsu
assimilation (cultural, digestive, phonemic etc)
silicon dioxide (SiO2)
to melt (of ice, metals etc)
silicon carbide / carborundum
household chemicals (cleaning products etc) and toiletries (abbr. for 日用化學製品|日用化学制品) / (linguistics) to rhotacize / rhotic
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
to quantify; quantification; quantitative / to quantize; quantization
catalysis / to catalyze (a reaction)
chemical combination
to format
to boil / to vaporize
Dehua county in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian
abbr. for 四個現代化|四个现代化, Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations
Xuanhua district of Zhangjiakou city 張家口市|张家口市, Hebei / Xuanhua county in Zhangjiakou
levitation (of Daoist immortal) / to become as light as a feather and ascend to heaven / (in Daoism) to become immortal / to die / of winged insects, to emerge from the cocoon in adult form / eclosion
to magnetize
manganese(iv) oxide
to hydrate
to solidify; to harden / (fig.) to make permanent; to become fixed
to tame / to domesticate
to degenerate / atrophy
Anhua county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳, Hunan
to transform phlegm (TCM)
magic transformation performed by Daoist immortal / fig. to reveal / to enlighten
Zhanghua or Changhua city and county in west Taiwan

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