| | series / set | HSK 4 |
| | (railway) train | HSK 4 |
| | to arrange / to line up / file / series / (in data tables) column / (Tw) row | HSK 4 |
| | to be classified as | HSK 4 |
| | to arrange in order / (math.) permutation | HSK 4 |
| | to include on a list | HSK 4 |
| | a list / to list / to enumerate | HSK 7-9 |
| | to stand side by side; to be juxtaposed | HSK 7-9 |
| | formation / array / (fig.) ranks (as in "join the ranks of ...") | HSK 7-9 |
| | to display; to exhibit | HSK 7-9 |
| | a series of / a string of | HSK 7-9 |
| | to rank among the best | |
| | formation (of troops) / alignment / (computing) queue / cohort (in a study) | |
| | Israel | |
| | (computing) array (data structure) / (hardware) array (photovoltaic cells, radio telescopes etc) | |
| | the very front | |
| | sequence of numbers / numerical series | |
| | sequence | |
| | following | |
| | to tabulate; to list / table; list | |
| | to list / to make a list | |
| | to divide into rows / to identify subcategories / to break down into constituent parts / breakdown / disaggregation | |
| | Lie Zi, Daoist author, said to be early Warring States period 戰國|战国 / Daoist text in eight chapters, said to be by Lie Zi, probably compiled during WeiJin times 魏晉|魏晋 (3rd century AD) | |
| | Tolstoy (name) / Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian novelist | |
| | to rank (number 1, or third last etc) / to be among (those who are in a particular group) | |
| | in formation (military) | |
| | Gillette (brand) | |
| | breaded and fried cutlet (loanword via Cantonese) | |
| | various countries | |
| | archipelago / chain of islands | |
| | the Great Powers (history) | |
| | to list / to enumerate / (of buildings, objects etc) to be laid out / to be scattered about | |
| | determinant (math.) | |
| | (military) to leave one's place in the ranks / to fall out / (fig.) to emerge / to become prominent | |
| | | |
| | Great Britain | |
| | Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader | |
| | Britain / British / Great Britain | |
| | Liechtenstein | |
| | historical biography | |
| | to attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate | |
| | to hash / hashing (computing) | |
| | private (army) | |
| | Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), Russian chemist who introduced the periodic table | |
| | to make (a list) / to list | |
| | to arrange in order / to compile / to prepare (a budget, project etc) | |
| | (military) march-past | |
| | Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982), Soviet statesman, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR 1966-1982 | |
| | prostate | |
| | (of a connector etc) inline | |
| | (Internet slang) to add a friend (on a social network etc) | |
| | Marx and Lenin | |
| | Richmond (place name or surname) | |
| | star alignment (in astrology) | |
| | to rank | |
| | duke (old) / nobleman / gentry | |
| | The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆, long novel of lower life in Classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular / translated into Putonghua as 海上花 by Iris Chang | |
| | message queue (computing) | |
| | geometric progression | |
| | | |
| | Brittany, area in the north-west of France | |
| | playlist | |
| | cholera (loanword) | |
| | Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago | |
| | arithmetic progression | |
| | queue (computing) | |
| | British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada | |
| | time series (stats.) | |
| | Liechtenstein (Tw) | |
| | to print out (Tw) | |
| | train attendant | |
| | battleship | |
| | Brest, town in Belarus | |
| | omelet | |
| | film series | |
| | Marxism-Leninism | |
| | to travel around many countries (idiom); peregrinations / refers to the travels of Confucius | |
| | lightning and thunder | |
| | ladies and gentlemen; all of you present | |
| | First book of Kings | |
| | Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940) | |
| | Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian surname) | |
| | Second book of Kings | |
| | taskbar (computing) (Tw) | |
| | Marxism-Leninism | |
| | Matsu Islands | |
| | British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada | |
| | lek (Albanian unit of currency) | |
| | Shengsi Islands, making up Shengsi county in Zhoushan 舟山, Zhejiang | |
| | to make provision (against a loss) / a bookkeeping entry | |
| | Netherlands Antilles | |
| | Alexis (name) | |
| | Marx, Lenin and Mao | |
| | Second book of Kings | |
| | lightning (archaic word) | |
| | prostaglandin | |
| | big Russian-style bread (loanword from Russian "хлеб") | |
| | to-do list | |
| | New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea | |
| | ball grid array (BGA), type of microchip package | |