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100 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
series / set
(railway) train
  *列* | 列* | *列
to arrange / to line up / file / series / (in data tables) column / (Tw) row
to be classified as
to arrange in order / (math.) permutation
to include on a list
a list / to list / to enumerate
HSK 7-9
to stand side by side; to be juxtaposed
HSK 7-9
formation / array / (fig.) ranks (as in "join the ranks of ...")
HSK 7-9
to display; to exhibit
HSK 7-9
a series of / a string of
HSK 7-9
to rank among the best
formation (of troops) / alignment / (computing) queue / cohort (in a study)
(computing) array (data structure) / (hardware) array (photovoltaic cells, radio telescopes etc)
the very front
sequence of numbers / numerical series
to tabulate; to list / table; list
to list / to make a list
to divide into rows / to identify subcategories / to break down into constituent parts / breakdown / disaggregation
Lie Zi, Daoist author, said to be early Warring States period 戰國|战国 / Daoist text in eight chapters, said to be by Lie Zi, probably compiled during WeiJin times 魏晉|魏晋 (3rd century AD)
Tolstoy (name) / Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian novelist
to rank (number 1, or third last etc) / to be among (those who are in a particular group)
in formation (military)
Gillette (brand)
breaded and fried cutlet (loanword via Cantonese)
various countries
archipelago / chain of islands
the Great Powers (history)
to list / to enumerate / (of buildings, objects etc) to be laid out / to be scattered about
determinant (math.)
(military) to leave one's place in the ranks / to fall out / (fig.) to emerge / to become prominent
special train / abbr. for 專門列車|专门列车
Great Britain
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader
Britain / British / Great Britain
historical biography
to attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate
to hash / hashing (computing)
private (army)
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), Russian chemist who introduced the periodic table
to make (a list) / to list
to arrange in order / to compile / to prepare (a budget, project etc)
(military) march-past
Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982), Soviet statesman, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR 1966-1982
(of a connector etc) inline
(Internet slang) to add a friend (on a social network etc)
Marx and Lenin
Richmond (place name or surname)
star alignment (in astrology)
to rank
duke (old) / nobleman / gentry
The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆, long novel of lower life in Classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular / translated into Putonghua as 海上花 by Iris Chang
message queue (computing)
geometric progression
Anna Karenina, novel by Leo Tolstoy 列夫·托爾斯泰|列夫·托尔斯泰
Brittany, area in the north-west of France
cholera (loanword)
Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago
arithmetic progression
queue (computing)
British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada
time series (stats.)
Liechtenstein (Tw)
to print out (Tw)
train attendant
Brest, town in Belarus
film series
to travel around many countries (idiom); peregrinations / refers to the travels of Confucius
lightning and thunder
ladies and gentlemen; all of you present
First book of Kings
Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940)
Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian surname)
Second book of Kings
taskbar (computing) (Tw)
Matsu Islands
British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada
lek (Albanian unit of currency)
Shengsi Islands, making up Shengsi county in Zhoushan 舟山, Zhejiang
to make provision (against a loss) / a bookkeeping entry
Netherlands Antilles
Alexis (name)
Marx, Lenin and Mao
Second book of Kings
lightning (archaic word)
big Russian-style bread (loanword from Russian "хлеб")
to-do list
New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea
ball grid array (BGA), type of microchip package

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