| | to come out / to appear / to arise | HSK 1 |
| | to go out; to come out / to arise; to occur / to produce; to yield / to go beyond; to exceed / (used after a verb to indicate an outward direction or a positive result) / classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc | HSK 1 |
| | variant of 出 (classifier for plays or chapters of classical novels) | HSK 1 |
| | to go out | HSK 1 |
| | to rent | HSK 2 |
| | to raise (an issue) / to propose / to put forward / to suggest / to post (on a website) / to withdraw (cash) | HSK 2 |
| | to appear / to arise / to emerge / to show up | HSK 2 |
| | to obtain (a result); to arrive at (a conclusion) | HSK 2 |
| | to set off / to start (on a journey) | HSK 2 |
| | an exit / CL: 個|个 / to speak / to export / (of a ship) to leave port | HSK 2 |
| | to leave hospital / to be discharged from hospital | HSK 2 |
| | to find / to search out | HSK 2 |
| | to be born | HSK 2 |
| | to go abroad; to leave the country | HSK 2 |
| | to take out / to put out / to provide / to put forward (a proposal) / to come up with (evidence) | HSK 2 |
| | to go out / to leave home / to go on a journey / away from home / (of a woman) to get married | HSK 2 |
| | taxi / (Tw) rental car | HSK 2 |
| | to withdraw / to abort / to quit / to log out (computing) | HSK 3 |
| | to indicate / to point out | HSK 3 |
| | recognition / to recognize | HSK 3 |
| | prominent / outstanding / to give prominence to / to protrude / to project | HSK 3 |
| | to broadcast / to air (a TV program etc) | HSK 3 |
| | to act (in a play) / to perform / to put on (a performance) / performance / concert / show / CL: 場|场, 次 | HSK 3 |
| | to issue (an order, decree etc); to send out; to dispatch / to produce (a sound); to let out (a laugh) | HSK 3 |
| | to pay; to expend; to invest (energy or time) | HSK 4 |
| | to sell / to offer for sale / to put on the market | HSK 4 |
| | to attend / to participate / present | HSK 4 |
| | remarkable; outstanding | HSK 4 |
| | to put out / to come up with / to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc) / to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc) / to draw (conclusion) / to deliver (speech, judgment) / to devise (explanation) / to extract | HSK 4 |
| | to export / to output | HSK 5 |
| | due to / to stem from | HSK 5 |
| | to perspire / to sweat | HSK 5 |
| | to publish | HSK 5 |
| | to spend; to pay out / expenses; expenditure | HSK 5 |
| | to go on an official or business trip | HSK 5 |
| | to make out / to see | HSK 5 |
| | to go out and come in / entrance and exit / expenditure and income / discrepancy / inconsistent | HSK 6 |
| | (of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform / (of an athlete) to enter the arena to compete / (fig.) to enter the scene (e.g. a new product) / (of an examinee etc) to leave the venue | HSK 6 |
| | to officially launch (a policy, program etc) / to appear on stage / to appear publicly / (of a bar girl) to leave with a client | HSK 6 |
| | outstanding / distinguished / remarkable / prominent / illustrious | HSK 6 |
| | to find out / to discover | HSK 6 |
| | to start out on a trip / to dispatch troops | HSK 6 |
| | to send / to dispatch | HSK 6 |
| | to exceed / to overstep / to go too far / to encroach | HSK 6 |
| | to go out somewhere (relatively short trip) / to set off on a journey (longer trip) | HSK 6 |
| | a way out (lit. and fig.) / opportunity for advancement; a way forward / outlet (for one's products) | HSK 6 |
| | to go out / to go away (on a trip etc) | HSK 6 |
| | well-known for sth / to become well known / to make one's mark / to lend one's name (to an event, endeavor etc) | HSK 6 |
| | to have an accident / to meet with a mishap | HSK 6 |
| | to go and visit in an official capacity or for investigation | HSK 6 |
| | to transmit outwards / to disseminate / efferent (nerve) | HSK 6 |
| | to appear personally / to step in / to step forth / to show up | HSK 6 |
| | to express / to exhibit | HSK 6 |
| | to push out / to release / to launch / to publish / to recommend | HSK 6 |
| | to enter or exit / to go through | HSK 7-9 |
| | to leave the factory (of finished goods) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to take up a post; to start in a new job | HSK 7-9 |
| | to fund / to put money into sth / to invest | HSK 7-9 |
| | to appear (in a show etc) / an appearance (on stage etc) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to dispose of / to spend (money) / to undertake a task | HSK 7-9 |
| | to start one's career / (of an entertainer) to make one's debut | HSK 7-9 |
| | to dig up / to appear in an excavation / unearthed / to come up out of the ground | HSK 7-9 |
| | to go on a tour / to have an outing | HSK 7-9 |
| | to show / to take out and show to others / to display | HSK 7-9 |
| | to bleed; bleeding / (fig.) to spend money in large amounts | HSK 7-9 |
| | to come from | HSK 7-9 |
| | to reveal one's talent (idiom) / to rise above others; to distinguish oneself | HSK 7-9 |
| | to put on display / to be on show / to exhibit | HSK 7-9 |
| | to leave a country or region / outbound (tourism) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to issue (document, certificate etc) / to provide | HSK 7-9 |
| | to stand out / outstanding | HSK 7-9 |
| | to get out of a predicament / to stick out / to take the initiative / remaining odd fraction after a division / a little more than | HSK 7-9 |
| | more and more emerge / innumerable succession / breeding like flies (idiom) | HSK 7-9 |
| | (of a batter) to be put out (in baseball); to be dismissed (in cricket) / (of a player or team) to be eliminated from a competition / (fig.) to be weeded out; to get the chop (in a competitive environment) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to be pleased beyond one's expectations (idiom) / overjoyed at the turn of events | HSK 7-9 |
| | to make a fool of oneself | HSK 7-9 |
| | future prospects / profit / to mature / to grow up | HSK 7-9 |
| | to offer for sale; to sell / to sell out; to betray | HSK 7-9 |
| | to leave the mountain (of a hermit) / to come out of obscurity to a government job / to take a leading position | HSK 7-9 |
| | unexpected (idiom) / surprising | HSK 7-9 |
| | (idiom) to blurt out; to let slip (an indiscreet remark) | HSK 7-9 |
| | (idiom) (of one's speech) eloquent / articulate | HSK 7-9 |
| | to be born of / to come from / family background / class origin | HSK 7-9 |
| | to leave home / to go off / to run away | HSK 7-9 |
| | publishing house | HSK 7-9 |
| | to come out on top / to win (in an election, contest etc) / success / victory | HSK 7-9 |
| | a problem appears / to break down | HSK 7-9 |
| | starting point / (fig.) basis / motive | HSK 7-9 |
| | to push oneself forward / to seek fame / to be in the limelight / same as 出鋒頭|出锋头 | HSK 7-9 |
| | to throw caution to the wind / to press one's luck / to go for broke | HSK 7-9 |
| | to come up with ideas / to make suggestions / to offer advice | HSK 7-9 |
| | to make a fool of oneself | HSK 7-9 |
| | to raise a tough question | HSK 7-9 |
| | can see / can tell | HSK 7-9 |
| | (after a verb, indicates coming out, completion of an action, or ability to discern or detect) | |
| | to derive / derived / derivation / to entail / to induce / to export (data) | |
| | to put out / to issue | |
| | to gush / to gush out / to pour out | |
| | cashier / to receive and hand over payment / to lend and borrow books | |
| | to make a mistake / error | |