Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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35 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *个* | 个* | *个
(classifier used before a noun that has no specific classifier) / (bound form) individual
whole / entire / total
every / various / separately, one by one
(pronoun) this / (adjective) this
that one / that thing / that (as opposed to this) / (used before a verb or adjective for emphasis) / (used to humorously or indirectly refer to sth embarrassing, funny etc, or when one can't think of the right word) / (used in speech as a filler, similar to "umm", "you know" etc) / (euph.) menstruation / sex / also pr. [nei4 ge5]
many / multiple / multi- (faceted, ethnic etc)
a; an; one / the whole (afternoon, summer vacation etc)
a few / several / how many
  *个* | 个* | *个
single / alone / individually / an odd one
each; every
a number of / each and every one / one by one; one after another
which / who
half of sth
one by one / one after another
one by one / in turn
(dialect) really; truly; indeed
each one individually; each and every
(coll.) today
(coll.) yesterday
(coll.) tomorrow
(old sentence-final expression used for emphasis)
first (of two parts) / last (week etc) / previous / the above
second (of two parts) / next (week etc) / subsequent / the following
the next one
idiot / blockhead / clod / oaf
(dialect) each one; every one
next one (in order)
one by one; one after another
one after another
previous one
any one of (a list of possibilities)

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