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27 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
meeting / conference / CL: 場|场, 屆|届
(telephone) conference call
member of congress / congressman
general congress / meeting of the whole committee
consultative conference (political venue during early communist rule) / consultative meeting / deliberative assembly
CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)
closed-door meeting
conferences and exhibitions
round table conference
Zunyi conference of January 1935 before the Long March
meeting room / conference room
on-the-spot meeting
joint conference
National People's Congress (NPC)
company meeting
chair (or president, speaker etc) of national congress
Tianjin agreement of 1885 between Li Hongzhang 李鴻章|李鸿章 and ITŌ Hirobumi 伊藤博文 to pull Qing and Japanese troops out of Korea
video conference
conference hall
monthly meeting / monthly conference
Potsdam conference, July-August 1945, between Truman, Stalin and British prime ministers Churchill and Attlee
Executive Council (Hong Kong)
videoconferencing / videoconference
minister level conference
minister level conference
leadership conference / summit meeting
summit conference

Tip: Pinyin can be entered with or without tone numbers, e.g. 'nihao' or 'ni3hao3'.
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