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31 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
pace / (measured) step / march
HSK 7-9
  *伐* | 伐* | *伐
to cut down / to fell / to dispatch an expedition against / to attack / to boast / Taiwan pr. [fa1]
to suppress by armed force / to send a punitive expedition against / to crusade against
to hew / to cut down
to go on or send a punitive expedition
to cut wood / tree-felling / lumbering
to fell / to cut
to denude / illegal logging / forest clearance
Slovakia (officially, since 1993, the Slovak Republic)
to unlawfully fell trees
to be narrowly partisan / to unite with those of the same views but alienate those with different views
to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom) / to denounce by word and pen
to console the people by punishing the tyrants (idiom)
(idiom) to launch an all-out attack / to roundly condemn; to castigate
to attack / to raid / (of medicine) potent
(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You need an ax / fig. to follow a principle / fig. to act as matchmaker
a ban on logging
Slovak (language)
to console the people by punishing the tyrants (abbr. for 弔民伐罪|吊民伐罪)
lumberjack / tree cutter
war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters
to obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo / to borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy (idiom)
(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You need an ax / fig. to follow a principle / fig. to act as matchmaker
wanton destruction of forested lands
a logging area
the Northern Expedition, the Nationalists' campaign of 1926-1928 under Chiang Kai-shek, against the rule of local warlords
the Northern Expeditionary Army
Republic of Czechoslovakia (1918-1992)
King Wu of Zhou 周武王 overthrows tyrant Zhou of Shang 商紂王|商纣王

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