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  *丁* | 丁* | *丁
male adult / the 4th of the 10 Heavenly Stems 天干 / fourth (used like "4" or "D") / small cube of meat or vegetable / (literary) to encounter / (archaic) ancient Chinese compass point: 195° / (chemistry) butyl
HSK 7-9
patch (for mending clothes, tires etc) / (software) patch
Aladdin, character in one of the tales in the The Book of One Thousand and One Nights
butadiene C4H6 / biethylene
Nottingham (city in England)
  *丁* | 丁* | *丁
surname Ding
  *丁* | 丁* | *丁
used in 丁丁
Ding Ji (1917-1944), real name Li Baicen 李百岑, journalist based in Yanan, martyr of the revolution
butyl group (chemistry)
Tintin, cartoon character
(neologism) (slang) penis (丁丁 resembles "JJ", which is short for 雞雞|鸡鸡)
sound of chopping wood, chess pieces hitting the board etc
lit. the eye cannot recognize the letter T (idiom); totally illiterate
Latin America
lilac (Syringa spp) / clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
Constantinople, capital of Byzantium
Martin (name)
pudding (loanword)
Edinburgh, capital of Scotland
Latin / (in former times) to press-gang / to kidnap and force people into service
butene or butylene C4H8
forty-fourth year D8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1967 or 2027
(old) servant hired to keep guard, run errands etc
Dual Income, No Kids (DINK) (loanword)
twenty-fourth year D12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2007 or 2067
fifty-fourth year D6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1977 or 2037
Austin or Austen (name) / Austin, Texas / also written 奧斯汀|奥斯汀
fourth year D4 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1987 or 2047
suddenly / by surprise
diced chicken meat
to add a son to the family
Aberdeen (city on east coast of Scotland)
thirty-fourth year D10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1957 or 2017
adult male
fourteenth year D2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1997 or 2057
able-bodied man (capable of fighting in a war)
sardine (loanword)
diced meat
tiny bit
number of people in a family / population / (old) adult males / male servants
(of a male) to come of age / an adult male
Terengganu, northeast state of mainland Malaysia
(literary) to be in mourning after the death of a parent
(onom.) ding dong / jingling of bells / clanking sound
new addition to a family (i.e. a birth) / a boy who has just come of age / (in a job etc) newcomer / novice
Kuala Terengganu, capital of Terengganu state, Malaysia
total illiterate / unable to read the simplest characters
T-square / set square (carpenter's tool)
forgetting the fate of Ding and Dong (idiom) / unheeding the lessons of the past
Martin furnace / open hearth furnace / open hearth
valitin (plain wool fabric) (loanword)
Kenting, a national park on the southern tip of Taiwan, popular as a tourist destination (abbr. for 墾丁國家公園|垦丁国家公园)
(old) member of local militia
Odin (god in Norse mythology)
Latin (language)
Latin dance
thong (underwear)
Martin Luther (1483-1546), key figure of the Protestant Reformation
Wu Ding (c. 14th century BC), legendary founder and wise ruler of Shang dynasty
(loanword) nicotine
Ding Lei (1971-), founder and CEO of NetEase 網易|网易
Aston Martin
variant of 叮嚀|叮咛
(Tw) Vladimir Putin (1952-), president of Russia / see also 川建國|川建国
orange (fruit) (Tw)
Latin alphabet
St Augustine / Aurelius Augustinus (354-430), theologian and Christian philosopher / Sankt Augustin, suburb of Beuel, Bonn, Germany
Saladin (c. 1138-1193)
chicken with cashew nuts
gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, GHB
Sint Maarten, island country in the Caribbean
Chinese brand name of Lamivudine 拉米夫定
(loanword) martini
a tiny bit
T-step (basic dance position, with the feet forming a T shape)
butyl glycol
T-bone steak
variant of 孤苦伶仃
satin (textile) (loanword)
hammer pick
butyraldehyde / butanal
Latin (language)
Manchurian foot soldier
(medicine) dolantin (loanword) / pethidine
(idiom) illiterate
chopped fried noodles
Ding Ling (1904-1986), female novelist, author of novel The Sun Shines over the Sanggan River 太陽照在桑乾河上|太阳照在桑干河上, attacked during the 1950s as anti-Party
Samuel C. C. Ting (1936-), American physicist, 1976 Nobel Prize laureate in physics
William A.P. Martin (1827-1916), American missionary who lived 62 years in China between 1850 and 1916, and helped found many Chinese colleges, first president of Peking University
(loanword) gelatin
stir-fried diced pork

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