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21 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Simplified
to start an engine / to boot up (a computer) / to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete / to begin shooting a film or TV show
to guide / to lead (around) / to conduct / to boot / introduction / primer
trunk / boot (of a car)
HSK 7-9
suitcase / baggage compartment / overhead bin / (car) trunk / boot
horse hindquarters / flattery / boot-licking
boot sector (computing)
to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants / to toady / boot-licking
(grain farming) booting (i.e. the swelling of the leaf sheath due to panicle growth)
  *靿* | 靿* | *靿
the leg of a boot or sock
lit. to scratch the outside of the boot (idiom) / fig. beside the point / ineffectual
to hold up buttocks and praise a fart (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants / to toady / boot-licking
leg (aka shaft) of a boot; leg of a sock
lit. the boot hits the floor (idiom) / fig. a much-anticipated, impactful development has finally occurred (an allusion to a joke from the 1950s in which a young man would take off a boot and throw it onto the floor, waking the old man sleeping downstairs who could then not get back to sleep until he had heard the second boot hit the floor)
boot cut (e.g. of jeans etc)
Arcturus (brightest star in the constellation Boötes 牧伕座|牧夫座)
boot sector
boot camp
Boötes (constellation)
car boot, trunk
double layer of padding in a boot

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