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  *别* | 别* | *别
to leave; to part (from) / (literary) to differentiate; to distinguish / (bound form) other; another; different / don't ...! / to fasten with a pin or clip / to stick in; to insert (in order to hinder movement) / (noun suffix) category (e.g. 性別|性别, 派別|派别)
haven't / hasn't / doesn't exist / to not have / to not be
is or isn't / yes or no / whether or not
it doesn't matter
it doesn't matter; it's nothing; never mind / think nothing of it; it's my pleasure; you're welcome
you're welcome / don't mention it / impolite / rude / blunt
don't!; must not
won't do / be out of the question / be no good / not work / not be capable
to catch cold / (common) cold / CL: 場|场, / (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative) / (Tw) to detest / can't stand
don't tell me ... / could it be that...?
have no choice or option but to / cannot but / have to / can't help it / can't avoid
whether (or not) / if / is or isn't
unbearable / unable to endure / can't stand
can't say for sure / maybe
that's right / sure! / rest assured! / that's good / can't go wrong
didn't expect
unimportant / not serious / it doesn't matter / never mind / it looks all right, but
(coll.) can't do anything about it / (coll.) there's no way that ...; it's simply not credible that ... / (coll.) couldn't be (better) (i.e. simply wonderful)
contrary to what one might expect / actually / contrariwise / why don't you
hasn't yet; hasn't ever
not to allow / must not / can't
lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise / you flatter me
whether or not / can it or can't it / is it possible?
hen / don't know (humorous slang mimicking Cantonese 唔知, Jyutping: m4 zi1)
can't keep up with / can't catch up with / cannot overtake
won't do / unable to / (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be?
can't help (doing sth) / can't refrain from
(haven't done sth) for a long time / a long time since we last met
HSK 7-9
unavoidably / can't help / really / rather
HSK 7-9
unavoidable / can't be avoided
HSK 7-9
to guard against / to be vigilant / watch you don't (slip) / Taiwan pr. [ti2 fang2]
HSK 7-9
nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words / You don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastic)
HSK 7-9
can't compare with
HSK 7-9
can't help; involuntarily (idiom)
HSK 7-9
really isn't
HSK 7-9
can't help it / can't bear it
HSK 7-9
don't think (that) / don't imagine (that)
HSK 7-9
lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius) / fig. (jocular) extremely; awfully
HSK 7-9
can't help / cannot but
HSK 7-9
don't be fooled by the fact that
HSK 7-9
impossible / can't be done / no can do / unable to accomplish
HSK 7-9
say no more / don't bring it up / drop the subject
HSK 7-9
shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan / traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation / a martial art
HSK 7-9
cannot afford / can't afford buying
HSK 7-9
that one / that thing / that (as opposed to this) / (used before a verb or adjective for emphasis) / (used to humorously or indirectly refer to sth embarrassing, funny etc, or when one can't think of the right word) / (used in speech as a filler, similar to "umm", "you know" etc) / (euph.) menstruation / sex / also pr. [nei4 ge5]
  *休* | 休* | *休
to rest / to stop doing sth for a period of time / to cease / (imperative) don't
it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character (idiom) / you can't change who you are / Can the leopard change his spots?
If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb / Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.
chicken stock / chicken soup / (fig.) chicken soup for the soul – i.e. feel-good motivational stories (often used disparagingly because the stories don't really effect change in people's lives)
compelled by the circumstances (to do sth) / (have) no other choice (but do sth) / (used as a pun in romance) can't help but fall in love
T-joint / T-piece / T-pipe / three links
promoter / advocate / driving force / pushing hands (two-person training routine esp. in t'ai chi)
(Internet slang) don't call on me; don't drag me in
want to stop but can't (idiom) / to be unable to stop oneself / to feel an urge to continue
won't work / will get (you) nowhere
lit. the eye cannot recognize the letter T (idiom); totally illiterate
  *覅* | 覅* | *覅
contraction of 勿要 / must not / please don't
hasn't (or haven't); hasn't ever
Tyrannosaurus spp. / esp. T. rex
can't wait
lit. not knowing what's important (idiom); no appreciation of the gravity of things / naive / doesn't know who's who / no sense of priorities
  *CJB* | CJB* | *CJB
(Internet slang) doesn't live up to the hype
a modal particle indicating (don't mind it, ok)
one can't tell how many / numerous similar cases
not in the least concerned (idiom) / reckless / couldn't give a damn about it / unperturbed / couldn't care less / harum scarum
(computer networking) 100 megabits per second; 100Base-T
none doesn't / there is none who isn't / everyone
lit. to speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)
crew neck / round neck (of pull-over garment, e.g. T-shirt)
  *毋* | 毋* | *毋
(literary) no / don't / to not have / nobody
how couldn't...? / wouldn't it...?
extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong!
Since they have come, we should make them comfortable (idiom). Since we're here, take it easy. / Since this is so, we should accept it. / Now we have come, let's stay and take the rough with the smooth. / If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it.
lit. it takes a long time to make a big pot (idiom); fig. a great talent matures slowly / in the fullness of time a major figure will develop into a pillar of the state / Rome wasn't built in a day
lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is wrong, but not quite sure what / fig. not getting to any matter of substance / scratching the surface / superficial / perfunctory
not a single one is dispensable / can't do without either
to empathize with; to show solicitude for / (loanword) T-shirt
  *甭* | 甭* | *甭
(contraction of 不用) need not; please don't
you must not / Please don't... / be sure not to / on no account (do it)
can't bear to
no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); to conquer every obstacle / nothing one can't do / to carry everything before one
study is like rowing upstream – if you don't keep pushing forward, you fall behind
not fit to be seen by / should not be exposed to / can't bear to see
What you don't want done to you, don't do to others. (idiom, from the Confucian analects) / Do as you would be done by. / Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.
lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head) / I don't understand a word (idiom) / it's all Greek to me
  *T* | T* | *T
(slang) butch (lesbian stereotype)
can't thank sb enough (idiom)
(coll.) unable to withstand / cannot bear / can't stand it / no match for
spilt water is difficult to retrieve (idiom) / it's no use crying over spilt milk / what's done is done and can't be reversed / the damage is done / once divorced, there's no reuniting
to have seen sth so often that it doesn't seem strange at all; to be well accustomed (to sth)
hard to say / can't guarantee / difficult to protect / difficult to preserve
can't recognize Mt Taishan (idiom); fig. not to recognize a famous person
T-square / set square (carpenter's tool)
a good thing doesn't last forever (idiom)
can't stand it / to be unable to bear / to be unable to resist
T'bilisi, capital of Georgia 格魯吉亞|格鲁吉亚
to apply (sth hitherto used in a different context) / to use (rules, systems, models etc copied from elsewhere) (often implying that they aren't suited to the new situation) / to borrow (a phrase) / (Tw) (computing) to apply (a style, formatting etc)

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