Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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Chinese dictionary for Windows 10

MDBG Chinese Reader is the perfect dictionary application for Microsoft Windows. Translate Chinese text and Lookup Mandarin pinyin for Chinese words easily. Just glide your mouse over the Chinese text and a pop-up window shows English translations and Mandarin pronunciations. Learn Chinese faster with MDBG!

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6 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *羌* | 羌* | *羌
Qiang ethnic group of northwestern Sichuan / surname Qiang
  *羌* | 羌* | *羌
muntjac / grammar particle indicating nonsense (classical)
  *羌* | 羌* | *羌
variant of
Tangut branch of the Qiang ethnic group / ancient ethnic group who made up the Xixia dynasty 西夏 1038-1227
Five non-Han people, namely: Huns or Xiongnu 匈奴, Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑, Jie , Di , Qiang , esp. in connection with the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 五胡十六國|五胡十六国
Tangut branch of the Qiang ethnic group / ancient ethnic group who made up the Xixia dynasty 西夏 1038-1227

Tip: Pinyin can be entered with or without tone numbers, e.g. 'nihao' or 'ni3hao3'.
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