Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT De keizer is ver weg - boek met wilde avonturen in China

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
safe; secure / safety; security
complete; whole / totally; entirely
robust / sound
fountainhead / well-spring / water source / fig. origin
HSK 7-9
solenoid (electrical engineering) / coil
condom / CL: 隻|只
to rotate / to twirl / to run around / to encircle / rotation / (coll.) to speak indirectly / to beat about the bush
to draw a circle / cliques / circles
property right
washer (on bolt) / toilet seat
absolutely safe / surefire / thorough
Ganquan county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
earnest / sincere
(literary) in love and inseparable
the Manchu Han imperial feast, a legendary banquet in the Qing dynasty / (fig.) a sumptuous banquet
Tianquan county in Ya'an 雅安, Sichuan
Nanquan - "Southern Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)
autocracy / dictatorship
to usurp power
rim of the eye / eye socket
(basketball) hoop / ring
to concentrate power in one's own hands
currency issued by Nationalist Government in 1948
full powers / total authority / plenipotentiary powers
fan community / fandom
abuse of authority
jumping through hoops (as acrobatic show)
deep springs
World Intellectual Property Organization
(computing) authentication
PRC Ministry of State Security
safe period / safe days of a woman's menstrual cycle (low risk of conception)
sense of security
homeland security
(BDSM) safe word
United Nations Security Council
dark circles (under one's eyes) / black eye
Tianquan county in Ya'an 雅安, Sichuan
safety helmet / CL: 隻|只, 頂|顶
all rights reserved (copyright statement)
Great Dane (dog breed)
personal safety
national security
safety lamp / safelight
separation of powers
separation of powers
Nan Quan Mama, a Taiwanese Music Group
security bureau
seat belt / safety belt
safety shorts (worn under a skirt or dress to prevent accidental exposure)
consultant who breaks up sb's extramarital relationship for a fee
almost entirely / almost completely
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Nongfu Spring, Chinese bottled water and beverage company
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)
(slang) naked / nude
inference by incomplete induction
(botany) an incomplete leaf – one that lacks a lamina, petiole, or stipule
Chinese rural dog / indigenous dog / mongrel
the right to host (an international meeting)
a plenipotentiary (representative)
plenipotentiary ambassador
crime against public order
the right to a fair trial
walk-off home run
materials safety data sheet (MSDS)
China Beijing Equity Exchange (CBEX)
sniffer dog
(bird species of China) Sichuan treecreeper (Certhia tianquanensis)
annotations made in a book / fig. remarks and comments / to have an opinion on everything
Domestic Security Protection Bureau, the department of the Ministry of Public Security responsible for dealing with dissidents, activists etc
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
(US) Department of Homeland Security
National Security Bureau (NSB) (Tw) / National Security Agency (NSA) (USA)
diplomatic immunity
great circle (in spherical geometry)
Megrez; Delta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper
safety issue / security issue
traffic island; pedestrian refuge
security / safety
emergency stop
safety feature / security measure
containment vessel
safety airbag (auto.)
safe harbor; safe haven
safe and sound
safe and secure
(United Nations) Security Council
safety goggles
safety net
security concerns; safety considerations
safety valve
inference by complete induction
complete recovery (after illness)

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